My N/N (James Sirius x Reader)

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A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I've been so busy with applying to high school and school work and my birthday was yesterday and then I had my Selective Enrollment test on Saturday. Btw, your voice is the girl in the middle. Rose's voice is the one with bunny ears and Lily's is the one with the lollypop. And N/N stands for your nickname.

Rose's POV

Albus and Malfoy were being little assholes to Y/N again. They were calling her an outcast. So to cheer her up, Lily and I decided to sing with her. We went to our dorm and played a type. 

James' POV

I heard music coming from the girls' dorms. I quickly ran up the stairs before they turned into a ramp. I put my ear to Rose's dorm's door and listened. 

"Are you being a creep again?", Hugo asked.  I shushed him.

"Listen Hugo", I said as the girls began to sing.

  They say!
We don't have a clue
They say!
We don't know what to do
They say!
That we're just lost in space
We are the future human race
Got something to die for cause we have
All something to live for cause have
Our life ahead us and nothing to fear of
We're not afraid
Cause you know
We are the rest to the young
We are the children of the sun
So far away, so far from , we feel the wind, we're not alone
We hear the call, another sound; like butterflies we leave the ground
We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless
We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless

They say!
We're too young to know
They say!
That we all need to grow
They say!
That we'll just give it up
We say; we won't, cause we won't stop

Got something to die for cause we have
All something to live for cause we got, all life
Ahead us and nothing to fear of,
We're not afraid

Cause you know
We are the rest to send the young, we are the children of the sun
So far away, so far from home, we feel the wind, we're not alone
We hear the call, another sound; like butterflies we leave the ground
We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless
We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless

We are...
The young and restless

We hear the call, another sounds like butterflies we leave the ground

We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless
We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless

We hear the call, another sound
Like butterflies, we leave the ground

We are the young and restless
We are the young and reeeestless  

Lily's POV

When we finished, we heard clapping. I turned around to see James and Hugo clapping in the doorway. I looked over at Rose and Y/N. Y/N still looked upset. 

"Are you okay N/N?", Rose asked her. 

"I'm better Rosie", Y/N replied.

"Why? What's wrong?", James asked. Hugo hit him. 

"It's none of our business James", Hugo said. 

"It's alright Hu", Y/N said, "I might feel better if I talked about it". Y/N sat down next to James and I sat next to her. She explained why she was feeling down. James looked outraged. 

"Are you okay James?", Hugo asked. James stood up and walked towards the door. We all stood up and followed him. 

"James! Where are you going?", Y/N and Rose shouted. James stopped in front of Albus and Malfoy.

"Hey, James! What's up?", Albus asked looking up at our brother. James said nothing. Instead, he lifted his fist and punched Albus in the gut. Rose, Y/N, and I winced. James lifted his arm to hit Malfoy too but...

James' POV (again)

I punched Albus in the gut and I was getting ready to punch Malfoy too but I was stopped.

"James! No!", Y/N said jumping on my back trying to get me to put my arm back. I almost dropped her so I quickly wrapped my arms around her legs. 

"Y/N, I have to do it", I said. I put her down next to Lily and lifted my fist again. I was angry at them. They hurt my N/N. I was about to hit Malfoy but Y/N jumped at me again but this time from the front. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I blushed and wrapped my arms around her. 

"Please don't do it Dimples", she whispered. I nodded slightly. Rose, Lily, and Hugo looked surprised as I walked back to the common room with N/N still clinging to me. 

Hugo's POV

The girls and I followed after N/N and James. When we got to the common room, James was sitting on a couch with N/N still clinging to him. 

"Why did you do it, James?", Lily and Rose asked. James was about to speak but I beat him to it.

"Isn't it obvious? James did it because he's in love with N/N", I said. James glared at me as his face turned bright red. Lily and Rose giggled while Y/N sat there stunned. 

"You've got it bad James", Lily said giggling. James looked away.

"Y-You love me Dimples?", Y/N asked. James looked at her and nodded slowly still blushing.

"I love you N/N", James said. Y/N smiled and kissed James on the lips. James was shocked for a second but he quickly started kissing back. 

"Aww", Lily and Rose said.

"Eww", I said sticking my tongue out. James opened one eye and stuck his middle finger up at me.

"My N/N", James said smiling brightly at N/N.

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