A Very Weasley Podcast Preview

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McGonagall's POV

I chuckled as I watched the Weasley triplets and Lee were hunched over and scribbled frantically on a piece of parchment. I remembered years earlier watching the Marauders doing the exact same thing in the exact same spot. 

"What are you four doing?", I asked. Y/N and the boys looked up. 

"We're just planning our next prank", Fred said. 

"And a more productive way to spend our time", George and Y/N added.  

"Oh and I guess Potions too", Lee added. I looked down at the parchment. It was divided into three sections. Pranks, homework, and random notes were scribbled in the boys' messy writing and Y/N's neat one. 

"Okay, but if I catch you three being suspicious again, you will have detention", I said.

"Umm professor, there are four of us", George said.

"Y/N never does anything wrong", I said. The boys glared at Y/N who smiled innocently. 

It's Too_Unique13 here!

I have a quick question. My friends and I came up with a crazy idea. We thought about creating a podcast.

You guys probably don't know this but I am a Freshman in highschool. We actually came up with the idea of a podcast called Dumbass Highschool ears. So I wanted to know if you guys would actually listen to it. Please answer, we really need to know if someone will listen to it. It's might also be a way to get to know me as a person. You can also leave comments on here and if we do the podcast I'll give shout outs on there. Thanks for reading this and don't worry more one-shots are on the way.

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