Treat You Better (Young! Sirius x Reader)

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A/N: This one-shot is inspired by the song Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes (hence the title). You are Lily's younger sister. You are a Slytherin. This takes place in your 4th year (Lily's 5th year). Your friends are Regulus, Lucius (Surprisingly), Narcissa, Bellatrix (Also Surprisingly), Molly, the Marauders, and Severus.


I sighed as I sat down in between Regulus and Lucius. Narcissa and Bellatrix weren't here yet.

"What's wrong, N/N?", Regulus asked.

"Nothing", I said. Lucius and Regulus exchanged looks.

"Severus again?", Lucius asked. He didn't look up from his book.

"He basically ignored me again", I said.

"Evans?", Regulus asked.

"Yep", I said.

"Depressed?", Lucius asked.

"Yep", I said.

"Want a chocolate frog?", Regulus asked.

"Please", I said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucius stand up. When he sat back down, he placed a bag on my lap.

"Thanks". The compartment door slid open and Narcissa and Bellatrix came in.

"Hello", Narcissa said.

"Hey Cissy", I said opening a chocolate frog.

"Why is she upset?", Bellatrix asked.

"Severus ignored her because he was busy with Evans", Regulus explained.

"The mudblood is not better than our N/N", Bellatrix said.

"I'm a mudblood too, Bella", I said. 

"You're better than other Mudbloods", Lucius said. The others nodded in agreement.

"Thanks", I said. The compartment door slid open once more and Severus came in.

"Hey guys", Severus said, "Sorry I'm late". I sighed and everyone (but Severus) gave me a sympathetic look. 

"Where were you?", Lucius asked.

"I was busy", Severus said.

"You were with that mudblood again, weren't you?", Bellatrix asked.

"Lily's not a mudblood", Severus said.

"She is", Everyone said. I just opened another chocolate frog.

"Y/N", Severus said, "Defend your sister". I rolled my eyes at him.

"You defend her", I said.

"She's your sister", Severus said. I ignored him and focused on the chocolate frog I was eating. Suddenly, the frog was snatched out of my hand. I looked up and saw Severus holding the frog.

"What the hell man?! I was eating that!!", I shouted. 

"Defend Lily", Severus said.

"No! Give me my chocolate!", I said. I struggled to get the frog back.

"She's your sister", Severus said.

"And? Do you honestly think that, if it were me being call mudblood, she would defend me?", I asked. 

"Yes", Severus said.

"Wrong answer", I said. I gave up on the chocolate frog in his hand, so I just sat down and opened another one.

"Why do you hate her so much?", Severus said.

"I don't hate her", I said, "I'm done talking about this".

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