How To Not Be A Black (Marauders x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Y/N Black, Sirius's little sister. You are a Gryffindor.

Sirius's POV

"Come on Sirius", James said, "Maybe she'll be in Gryffindor".

"She's a Black", I muttered, "She's going to be in Slytherin".

"You're a Black too, Sirius", Peter pointed out.

"And?", I asked.

"Just because Regulus is a Slytherin, it doesn't mean it's guaranteed Y/N will be too", Remus said.

"We'll see", I said. As if on cue, Minnie called out her name.

"Black, Y/N!". I sat up as Y/N nervously walked up to the stool. She turned around and sat down. She took in a small breath.

"Hmmm....very difficult", the Sorting Hat muttered. Y/N's eyes meet mine. She gave me a small smile before whispering to the hat. 

"Gryffindor? But you would do very well in Slytherin". My heart dropped. I saw it coming but I still had hope that my little sister would be a Gryffindor like me.

"Please", Y/N begged, "I don't want my brother to be the only Gryffindor". I sighed with a small smile on my face. James nudged me and I looked at him.

"She really loves you", James whispered. 

"I know", I said. I turned my attention back to the sorting. The hat and Y/N were still arguing. Finally, the hat gave in. 

"Better be Gryffindor!", the Sorting Hat shouted. I stood up as the Gryffindors clapped. Y/N ran over to me and I hugged her. 

"You gave up being a Slytherin for me?", I asked. 

"You're my brother, Sirius", I said, "You're not going through this by yourself".  I smiled and squeezed her again before shoving James to make room for my sister. 

----Time Skip----


"Hi", I said waving at the other Gryffindor first years. They looked at me in fear and hurried off. My hand fell to my side and my smile slipped off.  I looked down at the ground. 

"Hey Y/N!", James yelled picking me up and spinning me around. Normally I would giggle, but after that incident, I wasn't in the mood.

"Hi James", I mumbled. James abruptly put me down and looked at me concerned.

"What's wrong, princess?", James asked. I sighed looking up at him. 

"I just waved to the other first years and well they ran away", I explained. James sighed reaching out towards my cheek. He wiped a tear off my face. 

"Maybe you should try to be just Y/N", James said. 

"I am just being Y/N", I muttered, "It's just that I'm Y/N Black".

"Well, after classes today, the others and I will teach you how to not be a Black", James declared. 

"James", I said tugging on his sleeve.


"Sirius is a Black".

"Hush child".

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