Win Her Heart! (Fred x Reader x George) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Cedric's little sister. You are Draco's age and his best friend. You are in Slytherin.


"You want me to prank the Weasley twins for you?", I asked. I was facing the fireplace.

"I want you to get revenge for me", Draco said. I dramatically turned around.

"You came to the right person Mr. Malfoy", I said.

"Will you do it?", Draco asked.

"What's in it for me?", I asked.

"Money and the newest pranking supplies", Draco replied, "And I'm your best friend".

"I hope I don't regret accepting the job Malfoy", I said.

"You won't Diggory", Draco said.

"Enough business", I said, "Let's go find Cedric".

"Why? You know we aren't talking", Draco whined.

"You aren't talking to him. Besides, he has candy apples", I said.

"Let's go find Cedric!", Draco shouted. He grabbed my arm and ran out of his room.

----Time Skip----

Fred's POV

George and I were walking to the library. Yeah nope, that's not true at all. We were going to the Great Hall. We had an important meeting with Lee to figure out who the Prankster Queen is. Suddenly, someone bumped into me.

"Are you okay Y/N?", Malfoy asked. He helped her up.

"I'm fine", She said, "Hey Fred! George!".

"Hey Y/N", George said. He ruffled her hair.

"Hey", I said. She smiled at us as Malfoy dragged her away towards Diggory.

"She's so cute", George and I said at the same time.

"Wait, you like her?", George asked me.

"Yeah, do you?", I asked.

"Yeah", George replied. We glared at each other for a few seconds before we snapped back to reality.

"Let's go find Lee", I said. George nodded and we walked into the hall.

Cedric's POV

Y/N and Draco came over to the table. Y/N sat down next to Rolf and Draco sat down next to me.

"Where are the candy apples, Cedric?", Draco asked. I rolled my eyes and handed the apple.

"Thank you".

"Drapple", Y/N and Rolf said in between fake coughs. Draco stuck his tongue out at them and bit into the apple. Rolf nudged Y/N and pointed to the Gryffindor table. I glanced over my shoulder, just in time to catch the Weasley twins looking at Y/N. I turned back to face my friends and sister. Y/N was blushing as Draco teasingly nudged her. 

"Why are you blushing?", I asked. Rolf and Draco burst out laughing. 


"Isn't it obvious Cedric?", Rolf said, "She has a crush on the Weasley twins".

"Both of them?!", Cedric exclaimed. 

"N-No", Y/N stuttered, "I-I don't like either of them". 

"You sure about that, Y/N?", Rolf questioned. Y/N rolled her eyes and shoved Rolf. Rolf fell off the bench and onto the floor. Draco and I laughed. Snape (who was walking by) had the ghost of a smile on his face as Rolf groaned in pain.

"10 points to Slytherin", He said. Y/N and Draco cheered while I groaned. Rolf groaned from both pain and frustration. 

----Time Skip----

George's POV

"Any ideas Lee?", Fred asked

"Yeah, I have one but neither of you is going to like it", Lee replied. 

"I also have an idea", I said ignoring Lee.

"Okay...uhh...George first", Fred said. 

"I think Rolf Murphy", I said. I really didn't have an idea so I said the first name that came to my head.

"First off, the Prankster Queen is probably a girl", Fred said, "Second of all, isn't that the bloke sitting next to Y/N?". I turned around to find Murphy sitting next to Y/N. 


"Okay, my turn", Lee said.

"Who do you think Lee?", I asked.

"I think Y/N Diggory", Lee said. Fred and I looked at each other then back at Lee. Fred then burst out laughing. A few seconds later, I started laughing too. 

"I'm serious". 

"Do you seriously think she's cable of pranking someone?", I asked in disbelief, "The Prankster Queen is a bigger pro at pranking and cover her tracks up than us!". 

"Plus Y/N's the nicest person ever", Fred said. 

"Yeah and she's beautiful", I added.

"Yeah with those big (e/c) eyes".

"And her (h/l) (h/c) hair".

"She's so cute because she's so small".

"Yeah and she's even cuter when she's angry".

"And when she's beating up Malfoy and Murphy". 

"Uhh...Fred, George, you're drooling", Lee said snapping us out of our trance. He was smirking and Fred and I blushed.

"What do you mean?", we asked.

"Do you two both have a crush on Y/N?", Lee asked.

"No shit Sherlock", Ginny said as she slipped into the seat in front of us. Lee wrapped his arms around mine and Fred's shoulders pulling us closer to him.

"Brother vs. Brother", Lee said dramatically. 

"What the fuck Lee?".

"Who will win her heart?!!".

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