Enemy (Draco x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is the second part of Enemy (Draco x Reader). You are Harry's twin sister. You are in Gryffindor. This one-shot is dedicated to kayla_cruz2019 and to Overly_Unproductive. They asked for this so here it is.


It's been a week since Harry said I wasn't his sister. I haven't been to the Gryffindor common room during that time. 

"Eat Y/N", Draco said trying to force me to eat again. I moved my head away from his spoon. He tried again but all he got was the same reaction.

"Please love, I'm worried about you". I turned to face him and sighed quietly. I opened my mouth and ate the spoonful. Draco smiled at me. I gave him a small smile of my own. I wrapped my arms around Draco.

"Sorry", I whispered.

"It's fine love", Draco said, "I just want you to eat". He pushed his plate towards me. 

"But what are you going to eat?", I asked. He picks up an apple and winks at me. I roll my eyes and smile.

Harry's POV

"Harry, come on, just talk to her. She's your sister", Hermione begged me for the millionth time.

"I'm not going to talk to her Hermione", I said, "She betrayed me".

"Harry-", Hermione began

"She betrayed me, Hermione", I snapped, "Stop making excuses for her". Hermione nudged Ron who was eating chicken legs. He swallowed and faced me.

"Harry, Y/N is your sister", Ron said before biting his chicken. Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Y/N did not betray you, Harry", Hermione said.

"Yes she did", I said, "She's dating my enemy".

"She's dating the person she loves", Hermione said, "You have to accept it, Harry".

"No I don't", I snapped.

"If you really loved Y/N, Harry", Ron said, "You would let her date Malfoy". Hermione and I looked at him shocked.

"Wise words Ronald", Hermione said.

"Thank you". I rolled my eyes at them, but what they were saying made sense. No matter how much I hated Malfoy, he made her happy. I had to accept it. I heard shuffling and I looked up in time to see Y/N and Malfoy walk out. I sighed standing up.

"Where are you going?", Hermione asked. Hope in her eyes.

"I'm going to go makeup with my sister", I said. Hermione beamed as I walked out of the Great Hall. I looked around the corridor frantically, I soon spotted a strand of (h/c) hair around the corner. I quickly ran after them.

Draco's POV

"Y/N! Malfoy! Wait!", I heard Potter shout. Sighing quietly, I put my arm in front of Y/N to stop her. She looked at me with sad questioning eyes.

"Talk to him", I whispered, "I hate saying you suffer". She smiled sadly and nodded. We turned around to face Potter. He ran straight towards Y/N and engulfed her in a hug. I saw Y/N trying to fight back tears. 

"I'm sorry Y/N", Potter whispered, "I'm sorry". Y/N sobbed quietly.

"Why'd you say it, Harry?", Y/N asked, "It hurt". Potter tightened his grip around her.

"I thought I was losing you", Potter whispered.

"You'll never lose me Harry", Y/N whispered, "I'm your sister". Potter broke the hug and smiled at Y/N.

"I get it. You love him", Potter said, "I have no right to interfere". Y/N smiled and hugged him. He hugged her back. He then turned to me.

"If you hurt her, I'll kill you", Potter said.

"I'd never hurt her", I said. Potter held his hand out towards me. I smiled and took it. We shook hands as Y/N hugged us both. I can live with dealing with Potter, if it means I get to stay with her.

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now