Hide and Seek (Adrian Pucey x Reader)

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A/N: You are Cedric Diggory's little sister. You're in Harry's year. Your best friends are Ginny, Luna, and Hermione. This takes place in your fourth year.

How did I end up here? 

Dumbledore thought it would be fun for us to play hide and seek. There are 28 seekers. One from each year from each house. The fourth-year seekers were: Malfoy (Slytherin), Susan Bones (Hufflepuff), some random kid from Ravenclaw, and finally, Harry (Gryffindor). Ced was the 6th year Hufflepuff seeker. Ironic right? Anyway, I ran into Snape's office.  Unlike other people, Snape actually liked me. I was his favorite. He even lets me call him Severus. Did I mention the teachers were playing too? 

"What are you doing here?", a voice said behind me. I jumped a little and looked up. It was a Slytherin 6th year. 

"I could ask you the same", I said. He looked taken aback. He then smirked and looked at me with interest.

"You're Diggory's little sister right?", The boy asked. I scoffed and looked away. I slowly nodded.

"The name's Y/N though", I said, "Not Diggory's little sister or Cedric's sister". I sighed and sat on Snape's desk. We heard footsteps coming towards us. 

"Come on", The 6th year picked me up and hid in one of the closets.

"What are you", I began. He put his hand over my mouth. We heard the door open and footsteps coming towards us. The door opened but the boy and I were in the shadows.

"I thought I heard someone", Harry's voice said.

"You're imagining things Potter", Malfoy's voice said.

"I guess", Harry said, "What are you doing here anyway?".

"I thought I heard something", Malfoy said. I saw him shrugging.

"Whatever", Harry said. The two of them walked away. I heard the boy sigh. I looked up and we made eye contact. 

"Well, that was something", He said. I tried taking his hand off my mouth. He noticed and blushed. He quickly removed his hand. I walked out of the closet with the Slytherin following close behind. I sat on Snape's desk again.

"Thanks", I said, "You're a Slytherin Chaser right? Adrian Pucey was it?".

"Yeah, it's Adrian", He answered, "I may be a chaser but you look like a keeper". I groaned at his lame pick up line.

"Well Pucey, I guess we're stuck with each other until the games over", I said.

"You make it sound so negative", Pucey said. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, it's not lucky to be stuck in a room with a Casanova", I said.

"Wow! I think it's lucky that I got stuck in a room with Pretty-Boy Diggory's sister", Adrian said getting closer to me.

"Shut up Adrian", I snapped. He looked at me in surprise.

"What now?", I asked glaring at him slightly.

"People don't call me Adrian", He replied, "It's always been Pucey".

"So you want me to call you Pucey?", I asked.

"Nope", He said popping the 'P', "It feels nice to be called Adrian". I blushed and looked away.

"Whatever", I said. 

"Hey, Y/N", Adrian said.

"What?", I answered. 

"Why do you get upset when people call you 'Diggory's little sister'?", Adrian asked. I sighed and patted the space next to me. Adrian sat down on the desk next to me. I brought my knees to my chest. I rested my chin on my knees.

"People only see me as a way to get to Cedric", I said, "Some people only hang with me to get to Cedric or to get to Harry. It's easy to use me because I'm Cedric's little sister and I'm Harry's best friend. I just wish that just one person would see me for me". I whispered the last part. I felt tears stinging my eyes. 

"I see you for you", Adrian said. I looked up at him with tears streaming down my face.

"What? I barely met you", I said.

"To be fair, I've been admiring you from a distance", Adrian said. He reached over and took my face in his hands. Adrian gently wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"Admiring me from a distance?", I questioned. He blushed, let go of my face, and looked away.

"I've wanted to talk to you since your first year but well, you're a Gryffinpuff and I'm a Slytherin", Adrian explained, "I honestly thought you would hate me right away". I looked at him and giggled a little.

"That's stupid", I said bluntly, "You could have just talked to me". Adrian glanced at me with a small blush, but he quickly looked away from me. I gently turned his face towards me.

"W-What are you doing?", He stuttered.

"I've been admiring you from a distance too", I said smiling at him. His eyes widened with shock but he quickly recovered. Adrian smirked and leaned in. 

"Y/N Diggory and Adrian Pucey are the only two students left", Dumbledore's voice rang out. Adrian and I laughed at the sudden interruption.

"Well, where were we?", Adrian asked once we stopped laughing.

"We were going to kiss", I replied. Adrian smirked and leaned in again. This time, we kissed. It was a soft and sweet kiss. We pulled away because of this thing we call 'air' and the need for it. 

"Mine", Adrian said pulling me closer. We kissed again but this time, it was longer and more passionate. The door suddenly flew open causing us to both jump away from fright.

"C-Cedric", I said looking at my brother.

"I found you", Cedric said, "And I'm glad I did". Cedric walked into the room and pulled me away from Adrian. 

"Look Diggory", Adrian said, "It's not what it looks like".

"It looks like you were snogging my little sister", Cedric said.

"Okay, so it's exactly what it looks like", Adrian said. 

"Why you", Cedric said. He was about to punch Adrian.

"Ced! Wait", I said. I jumped in front of Adrian hugging him close. Cedric calmed down a bit but he still glared at Adrian. 

"Move", Cedric said. I shook my head no.

"Y/N, babe", Adrian said, "Move out of the way". I shook my head and turned towards Cedric.

"I know you want to protect me Ced", I said, "But beating Adrian to a pulp isn't going to solve anything".

"Well", Cedric began.

"Okay let me rephrase that", I said, "If you beat him to a pulp, I'll start crying and I'll hate you forever. Do you want that Ced?".

"No", Cedric mumbled.

"So, don't beat him to a pulp", I said. Cedric nodded and I smiled. I hugged Cedric and walked towards the door. I turned around to find Cedric taking a step towards Adrian.

"You hurt her and I'll kill you", Cedric said, "Got it?".

"G-Got it", Adrian said. I smiled as Cedric nodded and walked towards me.

"I'll see you later Adri", I said blowing him a kiss. He pretended to catch it. I giggled and winked at him. Adrian blushed. I smiled and walked out of the room with Cedric.

"He's alright", Cedric said.

"What was that Ced?", I asked.

"I said I want pie", Cedric said. I giggled and hugged my brother's arm.

"Sure Ced", I said, "Whatever you say. I totally believe you".

"Shut up", Cedric said. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Big bro", I said. Cedric smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed as he picked me up and started running.

It would take a while for Ced and Adrian to get along, but eventually Adri and Ced grew to love each other like brothers. 

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