Cute (Bill x Reader)

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A/N: You are Draco's older sister. The Weasleys took you in after your father kicked you out of the house for dating Bill. Draco and your mother still loved you and you would meet up. This one-shot will be in Bill's POV. 

"Bill! Look!", Y/N shouted. I turned around and saw Y/N holding up a puppy.

"Where did you get that?", I asked.

"He was in a box", Y/N said, "I couldn't leave him there. Can we keep him?". Mum chuckled as I facepalmed.

"Y/N", I began. She gave me her puppy dog eyes.

"Please Love?", Y/N asked.

"Fine", I said, "If it's okay with Mum". She cheered and spun around in circles hugging the puppy.

'Cute', I thought.

----Time Skip----

I heard Y/N scream. I put the dishes I was washing down and ran upstairs to her and Ginny's room.  I saw the twins standing near a corner. I walked closer and realized Y/N was in the corner. 

"Fred! George! What are you doing?!", I shouted. They turned to look at me and I saw the doll Fred was holding. I took the doll from him and threw it out the window. I took out my wand and blew it up. I grabbed Fred and held him out the window.

"Bill, let's talk about this", Fred said.

"Why were you showing Y/N that doll?", I asked.

"We were going to ask her to come and light it on fire with us", George said trying to pull Fred in.

"You two are idiots!", I said, "She was pediophobia".

"What's pediophobia?", the twins asked. I sighed and pulled Fred back into the house.

"Pediophobia is the fear of dolls", I said.

"Oh!", The twins said. I pushed them to the side and went over to Y/N. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"William Weasley! Why were you dangling Fred out of the window?", Mum asked.

"He showed her a doll Mum", I said. Mum dragged the twins off to scold them.

"Thanks, Bill", Y/N said. 

"You're welcome", I said. She snuggled into my chest. 

'Cute', I thought.

----Time Skip----

"Bill! Bill! Let's go get ice cream!", Y/N said. We were in Diagon Alley, buying school supplies for Ron.

"Fine", I said. 

"Yay!", She cheered. She smiled and dragged me over to the ice cream shop. We both got cones and walked out. 

"Hey Y/N, my ice cream smells weird", I said.

"Really? Let me see", Y/N said. She leaned down towards it and I pushed the ice cream against her nose.

"William Weasley!!". I ran away laughing as she chased me. 

'Cute', I thought.

----Time Skip----

"Ron's back!", Y/N shouted. I heard her coming down the stairs. She yelped and I heard a crash.

"Y/N!!!", I shouted. I ran (with Fred and George behind me) to the staircase, to find Y/N sitting on the ground rubbing the back of her head. Percy and Charlie were kneeling down next to her. Charlie had an ice pack and held it to her head.

"What happened?", George asked.

"She tripped over the rug and fell down five stairs", Percy replied.

"I honestly tried to stop her", Charlie added.

"I was excited to see Ron again", Y/N said, "I thought he could tell me about Draco". She smiled and stood up. She tripped over her feet. I caught her before she fell.

'Cute', I thought.

----Present Time----

"All these little moments led up to today", I said, "I really can't imagine my life without you. Every day with you has been like a new adventure". I looked at Y/N who was wearing a white dress and holding a bouquet of white roses with a single red one in the middle.

"I remember you doing the dorkiest things and every single time I thought 'Cute'. Starting right now and forever, I'll think one single word when I see you", I folded up my vows, "Cute".

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