If I Die Young (Sirius x Daughter! Reader)

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A/N: Thank you for 1K reads. You guys are the best. Anyway, you are a Gryffindor.

3rd year

"Harry, he's innocent!", Y/N shouted. Her best friend was pointing his wand at her father's neck.

"Shut up! He didn't betray your parents", Harry shouted, "You didn't grow up without parents".

"Yes, I did Harry!", Y/N shouted, "My mother died when I was born and I grew up without my father. Please don't take him away again Harry". The poor girl started crying. Harry looked at his best friend and lowered his wand.

"Y/N", Sirius said. He rushed over to the girl.

"Dad", Y/N said.

----Time Skip----

"Uncle Moony", Y/N shouted. Remus looked at her before turning into a werewolf. Her eyes widened when the werewolf charged at her.

"Look out!", Hermione shouted. Y/N was tackled to the ground by Harry. The two held each other close as the werewolf got closer. A black dog jumped in front of them.

"Go Dad/Sirius!", The 13-year-olds cheered.

----Time Skip----

"It's cruel I got to spend so little time with you", Sirius said stroking his daughter's hair.

"Let me go with you", The girl said looking up at him. Sirius kneeled down to look her in the eyes.

"You know you can't", Sirius said.

"I don't want you to leave me again Dad", Y/N said.

"I'm not going to leave you", Sirius said, "The ones that love us never really leave us. I'll always be here". Sirius touched his heart. Y/N began to cry and hugged her father.

"I love you Dad", She mumbled.

"I love you too", Sirius said.

"Y/N", Harry said. He looked at his godfather who nodded. Sirius pushed her towards Harry, who wrapped his arms around her.

"Until we meet again", Sirius said.

Present Time

Harry and Y/N fought off Death Eaters. Sirius ran towards them. His cousin Bellatrix pointed her wand at him.

"Dad!", Y/N shouted. She ran towards her father.

"Avada Kedavra", Bellatrix shouted. Y/N pushed her father out of the way just in time.

"I love you, Dad", she said smiling at him. A flash of green surrounded her.

"Y/N!!", Harry and Sirius shouted.

"Not what I was going for, but oh well", Bellatrix said, "I killed Y/N Black". She laughed evilly. The Death Eaters disappeared, leaving behind a tragic scene.

"No!", Sirius shouted as he cradled his daughter's body in his arms. Harry ran over to Sirius.

"Y/N", Harry said. His voice cracked as he began to cry. Hermione covered her mouth as she cried into Tonks's shoulder. Remus walked over to his friend.

"Sirius", Remus said. Sirius looked at his friend. He carefully handed his daughter to Harry, who hugged her tightly.

"She's gone Remus", Sirius cried, "She's dead and I never sang 'Happy Birthday' to her". Remus hugged his friend.

"Sirius, she died for you", Remus said. Just then Dumbledore arrived. His eyes widened when he saw Y/N's lifeless body.

"Sirius", Dumbledore mumbled sadly.

"It should have been me!", Sirius shouted. His cries echoed in the room.

"Y/N died because she loved you Sirius", Tonks said. She had tears streaming down her face.

"The love of a daughter", Dumbledore said, "is one of the strongest types of magic and love".

----Time Skip: Hogwarts----

"Sirius", Hermione said, "Here are some of her things. The rest is still being packed up". She walked over to the couch Sirius sat on. Hermione placed the box in front of Sirius.

"Thanks, Hermione", Sirius said. All the Gryffindors (and Luna) surrounded Sirius.

"Can we see?", Ron asked. Sirus nodded and the Weasley twins opened the box. Inside was a picture of the trio and Y/N. The trio had tears streaming down their faces. Next to that, was a picture of the Weasley twins, Ginny, and Y/N. There were pictures of her with everyone (including Malfoy). She was smiling in them all. There was a dog plushie with the word, 'Padfoot' written on the collar. Books, drawings, a diary, roses, and a single piece of paper. Sirius took the paper out and opened it.

"What is it?", Harry asked.

"A letter addressed to you and me", Sirius replied.

"Read it", Hermione said.

"Dear Dad and Harry", Sirius read, "I love the two of you. Always remember that". The Gryffindors cooed and hugged each other.

----Time Skip: Last Day at Hogwarts---

The Great Hall once again had black banners hung.

"Today we honor Y/N Black. A young girl with the bravest and biggest of hearts and the most positive attitude. She brought out the best of everyone and was friends with everyone", Dumbledore said, "She died for someone she loved". The doors to the hall burst open interrupting his speech.

"We found this in Y/N's trunk", Fred said. Sirius stood up from the staff table.

"It's something special", George continued.

"Sirius, is it okay if we play it for everyone to hear?", they said together. Sirius looked at Dumbledore and nodded.

"She would want that", Sirius said. Dumbledore took the box from Fred and opened it. Inside, was a CD labeled; My Final Words. He made a CD player appear along with a projector. He put the CD into the player. Y/N appeared on the wall.

"Hi!", Y/N said, "If anyone's watching this, it means something bad happened to me. I have something to say, well more like sing".

"Y/N, hurry up!", Hermione's voice rang out, "We have to go help Harry".

"I'll be there in a minute", Y/N replied.

"This is called 'If I Die Young '".

"If my friends are watching this, I have messages for you", Y/N said, "Hermione, don't change for anyone. Fred and George, keep on pranking. Ron, stop being a bloody git and eat your food. Draco, I know you're not a bad guy. You're just misunderstood, but someday someone will understand. Dad and Uncle Moony, you are the best dads ever. And Harry, I love you. We'll meet again". The Great Hall clapped as the video ended. Dumbledore lifted his goblet. Everyone raised their goblets too.

"To Y/N Black, a girl who will forever hold a place in all of our hearts", Dumbledore said.

"To Y/N Black", Everyone said.

"To Y/N", the Gryffindors chanted, "The girl who was one of the bravest".

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