Padfoot & Me [and Cuffs] (Young! Sirius x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are James's younger sister and you are a Gryffindor. This takes place in your 5th year and his 6th.


I walked down the corridor with my brother following behind me. 

"Are you gonna sit with us?", James asked. I turned around and glared at him.

"No, I'd rather sit with Lily", I snapped. 

"Why?", James asked. 

"Because you're going to make me sit next to Black!", I snapped. 

"Sirius isn't that bad", James defended. I rolled my eyes and James's frown deepened. 

"He is that bad! Last week he turned my hair pink!", I said. 

"At least I changed it back right away", James defended. I rolled my eyes.

"Please sis?".

"Fine, but I get to sit in between you and Remus!", I said giving in

"Deal!", James cheered.

Once we got to the table, James steered me away from Lily and Molly and dragging me with him. Molly and Lily gave me concerned looks. I smiled and gave them the "this is normal so don't worry" look. They nodded standing up and following us to the end of the table. I plopped down next to Remus across from Sirius.

"Hey Babygirl", Sirius said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. 

"I told you not to call me that!", I snapped. 

"But you love it", Sirius replied chuckling. I scowled. Sirius shook his head and stood up to move to sit next to me, but James kept his end of the deal. He plopped himself down giving me a side-hug.  

----Mini Time Skip: 15 minutes later----

Sirius's POV

"Hey Babygirl, wanna hang out with me in my dorm?", I asked. Y/N scoffed.

"No", She said speeding up. I grabbed her arm making sure she doesn't run away.

"Come on please", I whispered in her ear, "I'll make sure you have a good time". She shivers but yanks her arm away from me.

"I said no Black!", She snapped.

"Why do you hate me so much?", I asked. 

"Because you're a narcissistic idiot who thinks he can fuck around with girls' hearts", Y/N said. Not gonna lie, that kinda hurt coming from her. 

"If we're pointing out each other's flaws", I said, "You're stuck up and uptight. You make Snape look like an angel". Y/N looked hurt for a split second before scowling. 

"At least I'm not a manwhore", she retorted. I scoff. 

"I'm not a sad little virgin", I snapped. We glared at each other. 

"Ms. Potter! Mr. Black! Just the two I'm looking for", Minnie said. Y/N and I turn around to face the professor. 

"Yes Professor?", Y/N asked politely. Minnie smiled mischievously and pointed her wand at mine and Y/N's wrists. 

"Wait, Professor?!", We said nervously. A pair of handcuffs connected Y/N and me. 

"You two shall learn to get along", Minnie said, "And only then will the cuffs disappear".  Minnie walked away ignoring Y/N and I's protests. Y/N sighed and looked up at me. 

"You're coming with me to meet Lily, Black", She demanded.

"I got nothing better to do", I muttered, "Besides it's not like I have a choice". Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her face break into a small smile. I felt my cheeks heat up. She tugged on my wrist and led the way.

"Y/N!", a voice called out. 

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