Who's Girl? (James Sirius x Reader x Albus Severus) Pt.1

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A/N: For the sake of this one-shot, Tonks and Remus lived. Anyway, you are Teddy's little sister. You are in Hufflepuff. You are Albus' age. Also, Teddy is the Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Come on Y/N", Scorpius whined as he pulled me down to the Quidditch pitch.

"I don't want to", I groaned, "Why do I have to come?".

"Because you're like Al's and James's little sister", Scorpius said. I sighed and looked down at the ground.

'Little sister huh?', I thought bitterly. 

"Hey, they'll realize they like you soon", Scorp said ruffling my hair. I gave him a small smile. 

"You know Scorp, you're like another older brother to me", I said.

"And you're like the little sister I always wanted", Scorpius said smiling down at me. He took my hand in his and led me to the Quidditch pitch. 

"You think they like me?", I asked.

"Yeah", Scorpius said, "And I can't wait to see who wins". I rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck man?", I mumbled. 

"Brother vs. Brother", Scorpius said dramatically, "Who's girl will you be?". I rolled my eyes pulling him along towards Lily and Rose.

"She'll be James's girl", Rose said obviously overhearing what Scorpius said. 

"No way", Lily said, "She's going to be with Albus". I sighed and looked towards the pitch. I noticed that both Albus and James were glaring at each other. I looked across from me to the teachers' seats making eye contact with Teddy. Teddy shrugged as if to say 'It's a brother thing'. I sighed and looked back down to see the game starting.

Albus' POV

"Rose is right, Al", James said, "She'll be my girl". He smirked looking into the crowd and right at Y/N. 

"No way Teddy and Remus will let her date you", I snapped, "She's better off with me". James turned to glare at me but I looked away from him to look at Y/N. She was blushing lightly trying to hide her face. I took in how she looked today. She looked so cute in her Hufflepuff clothes:

 She looked so cute in her Hufflepuff clothes:

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I sighed as I watched Teddy walk over to them. Y/N and Scorpius started talking with him as rose and Lily scooted over to make room for him. He smirked and nudged Y/N who rolled her eyes. Teddy ruffled her sunset-colored hair. Y/N glared at Teddy playfully. I snapped out of my thoughts as the other players shot up into the sky. 

----Time Skip----

Teddy's POV

Y/N and I walked down the corridor towards the Great Hall. 

"Professor Lupin", Scorpius said teasingly as he joined us. I rolled my eyes and shoved Scorpius. Y/N giggled and turned to us. 

"That was a great game", Y/N said.

"Yeah, especially for us", Scorp said. As we walked past the prefect's bathroom, both James and Albus walked out. 

"Good job Al!", Y/N cheered as she ran over and hugged Albus. Al's face lit up as he hugged her back. James pouts and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What about me?", James mumbled quietly. Y/N smiled and pulled away from Albus. She held her arms out towards James. James smiled brightly and ran into her arms picking her up. Y/N giggled and ruffled James's hair.

"Good job Dimples", Y/N said. Once he put her down, Y/N kisses both James and Albus on their cheeks. They blushed as Y/N grabbed my arm and pulled me away with Scorpius following behind.

"Bad Y/N", Scorp scolded, "You shouldn't play with their emotions". Y/N laughed.

"Maybe they'll make an effort now", Y/N said winking.

"When did you grow up?", I asked her.

"While you were busy teaching and screwing around with Vic", She replied causing me to blush and Scorpius to snicker. 

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