Savior of Many (Y/N Granger [Potter])

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Hermione and Y/N Granger were as different as can be. For one, Y/N had a thin lighting scar on the left side of her forehead. Second, Hermione was the book smart girly type of girl, who accepted her feelings. Third, Y/N, on the other hand, was the rebellious tsundere tomboy type, who always called people idiots. In reality, though, Y/N was afraid to be hurt or left behind. When they both got their letters, Hermione tried to learn everything she could while Y/N just laid back and had fun. 

1st year:

Both girls had gotten sorted into Gryffindor. Hermione found friends in the Gryffindors, specifically Harry and Ron. While Y/N found friends in everybody (even Draco Malfoy), specifically the Weasley twins. Y/N and Harry both made it onto the Gryffindor team. Y/N was one of the best players Hogwarts had ever seen. According to Professor McGonagall, the best chaser since James Potter. While Hermione had to study to get good grades, Y/N was naturally gifted at magic and didn't study at all. Much to Hermione's dismay, Y/N went with Harry to confront Quirrell. 

2nd year:

During their second year, Hermione had a small crush on the DADA teacher Lockhart while Y/N saw through his act and was the first to figure out he was a fraud. Y/N was the only other person to hear voices besides Harry. Early on, Y/N figured out what monster was in the Chamber. She was also the first one who Ginny told about the diary. When Hermione got petrified, Y/N blamed it on herself. She vowed to help Harry and Ron find the monster. Y/N  forced Lockhart to come along with them, dragging him by the collar of his robes. In the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle revealed that Y/N was actually Harry's twin sister.  She fought the Basilisk with Harry. 

3rd year:

Y/N became really close with Draco Malfoy much to Harry and Hermione's displeasure. This caused Y/N to be shunned by Ron. On the train, Y/N instantly recognized Remus Lupin and easily casted the Patronus Charm. It took the forms of a dragon and a phoenix (two rare patronus). During a quidditch match, Y/N saved both Harry and Cedric and led the Gryffindor team to victory. She was the first to figure out that Remus was a werewolf and that Sirius was innocent. She swore she wouldn't say anything. 

4th year:

At the Quidditch World Cup, Y/N was recruited for both the Ireland and Bulgarian teams. Y/N was forced to enter the Triwizard Tournament with Cedric and Harry. She easily completed each task. She went to the Yule Ball with Draco and saved the Weasley twins in the second task. She saved Cedric's life in the third task. Something both Cedric and his father wished to repay. It was also revealed to the public, who her family was. She also started dating Draco.

5th year:

Y/N was the first person to stand by Harry. She got lots of detentions because of this. Her knuckled read, 'I must not protect liars'. Y/N had gotten the idea to start the DA. She was the main leader along with Harry. She and Harry taught everyone what they knew. At the Ministry, Y/N saved Sirius, who was grateful to her.

6th year: 

In her sixth year, she easily figured out who the Half-blood Prince was. Y/N was also part of the Slug Club, as Slughorn heard that she was the brightest witch of her age and the best Quidditch player at Hogwarts. She helped Draco with the vanishing cabinet and saved Dumbledore from Snape.

7th year:

Y/N followed the trio on their Horcrux hunting. When they got taken to Malfoy Manor, she was tortured by Bellatrix. Draco managed to save her before Bellatrix could do any real damage. Y/N took the knife for Dobby the House-Elf. She saved her own life with her magic. At Hogwarts, Y/N saved Snape, Remus and Tonks. She also saved Fred by taking her own life in his place. Everyone was shaken up by her death. Everyone she saved, were saddened that they couldn't save her. Harry and Hermione were the most affected. They had lost a sister. The Weasley twins had lost a member of their mischief group. Draco had lost the love of his life, while Sirius and Remus had lost a daughter.

Everyone eventually moved on, but Y/N Granger [Potter] was never forgotten. She was the girl who lived. But Y/N was mostly remembered as the Savior of Many.

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