Time Travel (Scorpius x Reader) Pt. 3

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A/N: You are Y/N Hermione Potter. You are a year younger than Albus, a year older than Lily, and three years younger than James. This takes place during your 4th year (Albus's 5th, James's 7th and Lily's 3rd). You are in Slytherin. By the way, Fred II is Freddie. Fred I is Fred.


"Malfoy", He said cooly, "Scorpius Malfoy. I'm 15". Harry and Ron looked at Scorp who was smirking at them and watching me from the corner of his eye...





"What's a fucking Malfoy doing with you lot?!!".

----Present Time----


Albus and I glared at young Dad and young Uncle Ron.

"He's our best friend", Albus and I  snapped. 

"No kids of mine are going to be friends with a Malfoy", young Dad snapped. Albus and I walked towards young Dad.

"News flash Harry", Albus started.

"Only two of your kids are in Gryffindor", I finished. The family gasped and young Dad looked at us unfazed.

"Liars", Uncle Ron grumbled. 

"They're telling the truth", Victoire said.

"Lily and I are Gryffindors", James said stepping forwards and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Albus and Y/N are Slytherins", Scorpius said pulling me away from James. He held me in his arms unfazed as James glared at him.

"What's with her hair?", Fred asked pointing at me. Scorpius was twirling a strand of my hair trying to be all cute. Sadly, it was working. I glared at him and he winked.

"Birth defect", Albus and Lily replied.

"Her hair just turned out to be dark brown and red", James said.

"She and Albus have Lily's eyes", Snape said.

"We know!", George said.

"We're not blind". My phone started ringing. I pulled it out.

"How is it possible that I have service her?", I questioned.

"Who is it?", Rose asked urgently. Scorpius took the phone and his face turned paler than usual.

"It's Mrs. Potter", Scorpius whispered. We all looked at each other with horrified looks on our faces.

"A-Am I that bad?", young Mum asked. We all nodded still terrified. I took a deep breath before swiping to answer.

"H-Hello?", I squeaked.

"WHERE IN HELL ARE YOU?!!", Mum shouted, "AND WHY IS THERE GOLD SAND ON THE FLOOR OF YOUR BEDROOM, Y/N HERMIONE POTTER WEASLEY?!!". I winced and quickly pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Mrs. Potter please", Scorpius said, "Don't blame Y/N". I smiled at him gratefully.


"Yes, ma'am. Sorry ma'am", Scorpius said. I giggled. Big mistake.


"Nothing", I said.



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