She's A Mudblood (Young! Regulus x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Lily's little sister. You are in Gryffindor and you're a part of the Marauders. Sorry, this is so short. I've been a busy kid lately.

Regulus's POV

I walked down the corridor with Severus.

"I-I'm sorry Malfoy", I heard, "I forgot". As we turned the corner, we stopped in front of Lucius pulling a Gryffindor by the hair. She winced in pain as he shoved her harshly into the wall. Her emerald green eyes met Severus's pleading silently.

"Lucius, leave her alone", Severus said in a monotone.

"She forgot to do my homework", Lucius said.

"Lucius, leave Y/N alone before the Marauders come and take you down", Severus said. Lucius rolled his eyes and dropped her. Y/N hit the floor with a thud.

"Have my homework done by tomorrow, Mudblood", Lucius sneered. Y/N nodded frantically. Lucius smiled satisfied and walked away. Severus rushed to Y/N's side once Lucius was gone.

"You okay, N/N?", Severus asked.

"I'm fine Sev", Y/N said smiling at him. Severus sighed and transfigured a piece of paper into some bandages. I hesitantly walked over to the two of them. I squatted down next to Y/N.

"Sorry about Lucius", I mumbled. She smiled as Severus bandaged her up.

"It's not your fault Reg". I sighed and stood up. I offered her my hand and she took it. I pulled her up as Severus stood up.

"Y/N!". We turned around and saw the Marauders running towards us. Y/N's face lit up as my brother and Potter pulled her into their arms.

"What did you do to her?", Sirius snapped.

"Nothing!", I said holding my hands up.


"They didn't do anything Sirius", I said. Sirius nodded and pulled me along behind him as the other started walking back to the Gryffindor Common Room. I turned my head towards Regulus and Severus.

'I'll see you later', I mouthed to Regulus. He smiled at me.

'Okay'. I smiled and turned back around trying to keep up with Sirius.

"What the hell Sirius?!".

"He's no good for you, Y/N", Sirius said loosening his grip. I glared at him lightly.

"You wouldn't know Sirius", I muttered, "You don't know him the way I do". Sirius sighed before ruffling my hair.

"I'm only trying to protect you", Sirius said, "You're our little sister". I smiled at Sirius.

"I can take care of myself", I said. 

"I know but just don't grow up too fast", Sirius said.

"Can't promise shit".

----Time Skip----

"So, why can't we be seen together?", I heard Regulus ask Severus.

"This isn't my opinion but she's a mudblood", Severus said, "Pureblooded Slytherins shouldn't be seen with mudbloods". 

"But you're seen with Lily", Regulus protested.

"I'm a half-blood", Severus said. 

"Well, I don't care", Regulus said, "I like her, mudblood or not". I smile.

"Lucius will ruin us", Severus said, "Besides if we're going to join the Dark Lord, he can't know about her".

"He's not going to", Regulus said stubbornly. 

"He is", Severus exclaimed, "And he's gonna kill her".

"Fine", Regulus said, "Only to keep her safe".

What the fuck did I just overhear?!

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