The Good Girl & The Fuckgirl (Hermione x Reader)

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A/N: You are Ron's twin sister. You are in Slytherin. You are known to be one of the biggest flirts/fuckgirl at Hogwarts. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Sorry if it's terrible.

Hermione's POV

As Harry, Ron, and I walked down the corridor, I heard moans coming from a broom closet.

"Y/N~", a male voice moaned. I cringed as Ron and Harry rolled their eyes.

"She's at it again'', Harry said.

"That's like the third time this week", Ron groaned.

"Why is your sister such a fuckgirl?", Harry asked.

"I don't know", Ron said.

"Is that Malfoy?", Fred asked as he, George, and Ginny walked up to us.

"I think so", Harry replied.

"Who's he shagging?", George asked.

"Y/N", Ron said annoyed. The Weasleys groaned. The moaning stopped and a few minutes later, Y/N walked out of the closet sweating. She froze when she saw us.

"Have a good shag, Y/N?", Fred asked glaring at Y/N.

"It was decent", Y/N said slyly.

"You have got to stop being a fuckgirl", George said.

"Why?", Y/N asked.

"What kind of example are you setting for Ginny?", Ron asked. Y/N glared at them.

"It's none of your business what I do", Y/N said annoyed.

"Y/N, you can't just have sex with people", Ginny snapped.

"You can't tell me what to do!", Y/N shouted. She scowled at all of us and walked away. I sighed as my heart ached.

----Mini Time Skip----

I sat in the Girls' Dorms with Ginny.

"I don't understand Y/N", Ginny groaned. She was complaining about her older sister again.

"Why?", I asked.

"I don't understand why she has sex with guys", Ginny said.

"What do you mean?".

"Y/N likes girls but she has sex with guys".

"She likes girls?", I asked.

"Yeah", Ginny replied, "Why?".

"Does she like anyone?", I asked.

"Yeah", Ginny said, "She told me". I looked down slightly upset.

"Oh". Ginny gasped and grabbed my shoulders.

"Do you like my sister?".

"What?! No!", I said blushing.

"You're blushing", Ginny said.

"Fine, I do", I said sighing.

"Be careful", Ginny warned, "I don't want you to get hurt". I smiled and nodded. Ginny smiled and started talking about Harry.


I sighed as I followed Fred and George to the Gryffindor Common Room.  

"Why am I here again?", I asked.

"Because we need you the most popular girl at our party", George said.

"It's been like this since your first year you know", Fred said. 

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