Overprotective (Young! James x Sister! Reader)

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A/N: You are James's younger sister. Literally enough said. Wait...oh right! Your house! You're in Slytherin. And in this one-shot, you have a boyfriend who's none other than Regulus Black.


I walked in front of James trying to find Regulus. 

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with me?", James asked. 

"James, we've been over this for the past 3 years already", I said, "I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm 16. I can take care of myself". 

"I know Y/N", James replied sighing, "You're my little sister and I don't want to see you get hurt". I smiled and hugged James. 

"I know James", I said. We stopped in front of my and Regulus's usual compartment. 

"I'm right next door if you need me", James reminded me. 

"Bye James", I said rolling my eyes. I opened the door before James could reply. 

"I'm guessing James still doesn't trust me", Regulus said. I smiled and leaned down giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Nope", I said. Regulus shook his head before pulling me down onto his lap. 

"That's a shame", Regulus muttered, "I thought we were gonna tell him soon".

"It's a good thing Sirius kept his mouth shut", I said. 

"Well, he did say as long as we tell James", Regulus reminded me. I smiled and shifted so I was facing him.

"We'll tell him eventually", I whispered, "But right now focus on me". I crashed my lips onto his. Regulus was shocked for a second before smirking.

But before we could do anything, the door opened and Severus came in. 

"Did I interrupt something?", he asked as he noticed the scowl on Regulus's face. 

"Yeah", Regulus huffed, "Cockblocker". I giggled as Regulus pouted.

"You shouldn't be getting too excited here", Severus said, "It's a public place with not much privacy. Severus picked me up off of Regulus and placed me in the seat next to him.

"Fuck off Sev", Regulus said, "It isn't my fault you got no girl". Severus glared at Regulus who looked out the window. 

----Time Skip: 3 Months Later----

Regulus's POV

I sat with my back against the tree that was near the Great Lake. Y/N sat in my lap reading Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. I buried my face in the crook of her neck. She giggled and turned the page. 

"Y/N!!", Potter's voice shouted from somewhere. Y/N and I scrambled away from each other.

"Hey James", Y/N said as she flipped the page again. Potter stopped a few feet in front of us. My brother and the other two were running towards us.

"Why were you sitting in HIS lap?!!", Potter shouted. Y/N rolled her eyes at her brother. 

"Does it matter?", Y/N asked.

"Of course it matters!", Potter shouted. He grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her up.

"James! You're overreacting!", Lupin snapped. His eyes looked at me apologetically. I smiled and picked up the book Y/N had dropped. I stood up and faced James.

"James, we've been meaning to tell yo-", Y/N started. 

"They're dating!", Sirius interrupted, "They've been dating for the past two years!". 

"Sirius! I was gonna tell him!", Y/N pouted. Potter stood there probably still processing what Sirius said. 

"He's your boyfriend?", Potter asked calmly. 

"Yeah", Y/N said. Potter's face twisted in rage. 

"You've been dating him for two years!!", Potter shouted, "And you didn't tell me!!!".

"Potter, she's 16. She's not a baby", I said wrapping my arm around Y/N, "She doesn't need you protecting her". Potter turned his glare towards me.

"You aren't good enough for her!!", Potter snapped, "You're gonna break her heart!!". 

"James enough!!", Y/N shouted, "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you!". She pulled away from me and stepped closer towards her brother. 

"What's that supposed to mean?!", he yelled. 

"You're too overprotective James!", Y/N snapped.

"I'm not overprotective", Potter said, "I'm just protecting my little sister". 

"How many times do I have to say it; I'm not a little girl anymore!!", Y/N growled, "I don't need my big brother to protect me anymore! I can take care of myself!".

"I know you can", Potter muttered, "I just want to protect you from heartbreak". 

"James", Y/N mumbled.

"I just feel like I'm losing my little sister", Potter whispered, "I feel like you don't need me anymore". Y/N smiled and hugged her brother.

"James, you're not losing me", Y/N said, "I'm your sister, no stupid boy is gonna change that".

"Hey!", I said. Y/N looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes before turning back to her brother. 

"And as for not needing you, I still do James", Y/N said, "There are somethings I'm gonna tell you things I don't want to tell anyone else and there are gonna be times when I just want my big brother". Potter smiled and hugged her tighter. 

"I love you, Y/N", Potter said.

"I love you too, James", Y/N said. 

"More than Regulus?".


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