Caramel Apples (Oliver Wood x Reader)

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by maemaeyotyman. Since Halloween is in 10 days or so, I decided to write Halloween one-shots leading up to a Halloween Special. Anyways, you are Fred and George's triplet. You are in Gryffindor. 


"Hey sis!!", I heard two voices shout. I rolled my eyes and turned around to find Fred and George running up to me. 

"What?", I asked.

"Come on! Let's go set up for our party!", Fred said grabbing my arm and dragging me behind him and George.

"Fine, since you asked so nicely", I said sarcastically.

"I know right?", George said, "We are true gentlemen". 

"Yeah, you'll never meet anyone who knows who to treat you like us", Fred said. I rolled my eyes and walked into the Common Room. 

----Time Skip----

"I'm going to go get ready with Angie, Alicia, and Katie", I said standing up from picking up the streamers Fred dropped. 

"Okay, sis", George said, "Make sure to put on a costume". I rolled my eyes and nodded smiling. I walked up the stairs and into the dorm I shared with the girls. 

"What are you going to wear, Y/N?", Angie asked. I looked through my trunk and pulled out the costume the other two triplets had packed for me.

"Apparently this", I said, "Fred and George decided that the three of us were going to be what they call 'servants' but anyway can you help me finish it?". Angie squealed and walked over to her closet looking through here shoes while Alicia and Katie looked for accessories. 

"I found the perfect headband!", Alicia squealed she held up a cat ear headband.

"I found the perfect choker!", Katie said cheering.

"I found the perfect shoes!", Angie said. I sighed knowing I would regret everything.

"It's too short!", I complained as I walked out of the bathroom wearing my costume (The ribbons on the ears are white):

"It's too short!", I complained as I walked out of the bathroom wearing my costume (The ribbons on the ears are white):

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The girls squealed.

"You look so cute!!", Katie and Alicia shouted.

"Fred and George do have good tastes", Angelina said.

"Gross Angie", I said, "They're my brothers".

"Exactly, they know what looks good on you". I rolled my eyes and headed towards the door. I grabbed the gloves that came with the costume putting them on:

 I grabbed the gloves that came with the costume putting them on:

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"Let's go kitty", Angie said as she and the girls walked out. I rolled my eyes and followed them out.

Oliver's POV

I sat on the couch talking with Percy. The twins forced us to dress up like royalty for some reason. Fred and George were wearing butler costumes with cat ears. They smiled and walked over to the staircase leading up to the Girls' dormitories. 

"Why do they keep greeting people?", I asked.

"They decided to make this a party for royals and nobles with them and Y/N being servants", Percy replied. 

"You're late Y/N", I heard Fred say. I looked up to find Y/N and her friends at the bottom of the staircase.

"It's not my fault", Y/N whined, "This dress is too short". 

"I'll kill them for making her wear that", Percy grumbled, "They're supposed to protect her from perverts". He stood up and walked over to the triplets. After watching them get scolded, I walked over to Y/N who was taking a tray of caramel apples from Fred.

"Hey lass", I said smiling at her. She blushed lightly and turned around. She walked towards Harry (who was dressed like a prince) and Ron (who was dressed like a sad jester [Which was weird, I expected Fred and George to be jesters]). My eyes wandered up and down her backside. I suddenly got smacked on the back of my head. 

"Stop checking out my sister Wood", Fred snapped at me.

"Why put her in that costume if you don't want people to check her out?". He smacked me again.

"Okay, I'll stop". He smiled satisfied and walked away. I turned back to see Y/N talking to Lee. She blushed and handed him an apple quickly. She then started walking towards me. I smirked walking until I met her halfway. She tried to walk past me but I caught her by the waist, causing her to drop the tray of caramel apples. Y/N looked up at me.

"I want something sweet", I said.

"Here then", She said holding out a caramel apple.

"No thanks lass", I said, "I want something sweeter".

"Like what?", Y/N asked confused.

"Like you". I leaned down to kiss her. She blushed lightly before shoving a caramel apple into my face.

"That's the only sweet thing you're getting tonight Wood", Y/N said. She pushed me away. I sighed in disappointment. I looked down at the apple in my hand.

I felt something soft on my cheek. I looked up only to see Y/N walking away. She turned around.

"Maybe you'll get something sweet if you meet me in the Room of Requirement tomorrow, Wood". She smiled and turned around walking towards her friends.

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