We're The Same (Remus x Child! Reader)

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A/N: I got this idea from Pinterest. All credits of said idea go to the original author. So, Wolfstar raises you and your twin brother Harry. You are 5 in this short one-shot. The original thing is on top. This is in Sirius's POV. Please enjoy this mini one-shot. 

"Harry, where's Y/N?", I asked. 

"She's with Uncle Moony, Uncle Paddy", Harry replied. I looked in the living room where I last saw Remus. They weren't in there.

"Where are they, Harry?", I asked.

"Follow me", Harry said. He took my hand and pulled me upstairs to Y/N's room. The door had a deer design on it with a sign that read Prongsette. 

" Uncle Moony?", I heard Y/N said. I opened the door slightly so Harry and I could peek in.

"What is it Y/N?", Remus asked.

"Is it bad that I can see things that aren't there?", Y/N asked. My eyes widened and I looked down at Harry who looked unfazed.

"What do you mean see things that aren't there?", Remus asked. 

"Well, the other day Harry and I were in the playroom", Y/N explained, "I saw a woman and a man".

"A woman and a man?", Remus questioned, "What did they look like?". 

"The woman had red hair and green eyes like Harry's", Y/N said, "The man had messy black hair and hazel eyes like mine". Remus and I stared at Y/N wide-eyed. 

"Y/N, it's not bad", Remus said, "It just makes you more unique". Remus traces her scar and tucks a piece of her messy red hair behind her ear. Y/N gazes at his face focusing on one of the scars on his face. She reaches up and touches her own scar before touching one of Remus's.

"We're the same, Uncle Moony", She said, "We both have scars". Remus begins to sob. He took Y/N into his arms hugging her.

"Did I say something wrong Uncle Moony?".

"You didn't Princess", Remus said through sobs, "You just made me feel a lot better about myself". Y/N leans up and kisses his cheek.

"I love you Uncle Moony", Y/N said.

"I love you too, Y/N", Remus whispered. I smiled and walked away with Harry. Finally, Remus Lupin feels like he belongs. And all it took was one of James's kids. 

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