She Was... (Y/N Granger [Potter])

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A/N: This is part 2 to the Savior of Many. Here's a mini recap: Everyone eventually moved on, but Y/N Granger [Potter] was never forgotten. She was the girl who lived. But Y/N was mostly remembered as the Savior of Many. And now onto the story.

"Dad!", Albus yelled running into the room with Rose and Scorpius.

"What is it, Al?", Harry asked. Albus placed a picture of a girl about the age of 17 on the table in front of the adults:

 Albus placed a picture of a girl about the age of 17 on the table in front of the adults:

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"Who is this?", Rose asked.

"Y/N", Draco whispered. Hermione noticed the sad look on Draco's face. She places a hand over his. 

"That's Y/N", Hermione said, "She was my adopted sister".

"And my twin sister", Harry added.  Albus looked back down at the picture. 

"She's pretty", Scorpius mumbled. 

"Beautiful", Draco said reaching forward and picking up the picture. A single tear streamed down his face as he reached into his robe pocket. He pulled out another picture and placed it down in front of the boys and Rose:

 He pulled out another picture and placed it down in front of the boys and Rose:

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Scorpius picked it up wide-eyed. Rose and Albus started giggling. 

"Did you make her mad in this, Mr.Malfoy?", Rose asked. 

"I did", Draco admitted,  "I insulted Harry". Scorpius looks up from the picture at his father.

"Is she the same Y/N you told me about?". 

"He told you about her?", Ginny asked.

"Yeah, my dad said that she could have been my mom", Scorpius said. Harry and Hermione turned and looked at Draco. 

"What?", they asked. 

"I was going to ask her to marry me after the war but-", Draco's voice cracked.

"You dated Y/N?", Rose asked. Draco gave her a small smile and nodded. 

"How did she die?", Albus asked. 

"She died saving me", Fred said. The three kids looked at him. 


"Yeah, many people are alive because of her", George said. Scorpius looked at the pictures.

"What was she like?", Scorpius asked. 

"She was beautiful", Draco said, "Both inside and out". 

"She was selfless", Neville said, "She always put others before her. She defended me so many times from Draco". 

"She was very intelligent", Hermione added, "She was probably smarter than me". The adults chuckled at this. 

"She was very good at Quidditch", Ron said, "She had been recruited for both the Irish and Bulgarian teams at the age of 14".

"I bet I get my Quidditch skills from her", James said as he sat down next to Albus. 

"I think so", Harry reassured.

"She was very mischievous", Fred said.

"She was our little apprentice", George added. 

"We pranked the hell out of Hogwarts together", Fred and George chorused. 

"She was brilliant at Defense", Remus said caressing the picture of his goddaughter. 

"And Potions", Severus added, "Very much like her mother".

"She was very empathetic and forgiving", Sirius said taking the picture of his 'niece' from Remus.

"She was full of love", Arthur said.

"So full of life", Molly added. 

"She was the girl who would walk around with pockets full of candy and sickles to give to little kids", Bill said. 

"She was very brave", Tonks said. 

"She was the girl who lived", Ron said, "The savior of many".

"But despite all that, she was Y/N", Draco finished, "One of the most amazing people any of us ever knew". The others all hummed in agreement. 

"I wish we could have met her", Teddy said. The adults all smiled. 

"We wish you could have too", Ginny said.

"But she's in a better place now", Draco said.

"She's in heaven with our parents", Harry added, "Watching over all of us".

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