You!! (Cedric X Reader)

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A/N: Let's say your voice is the brown-haired girl and Cho's is the pink-haired girl.  I tried! Okay? Okay!

"Please Y/N!!", Cho begged for what seemed like the millionth time. 

"Cho, I already told you! I don't sing in public let alone to a boy. Figure out some other way to ask Cedric", I told her.  Cho wanted to ask Cedric to the Yule Ball and since I was a Ravenpuff (Part Ravenclaw and part Hufflepuff) and friends with them both, Cho thought it would be a good idea for me to help her. I would help her but I have two very good reasons not to help her. One being I don't like singing in front of people and two I also like Cedric but not as much as Cho.  At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

"Come on Y/N! Please!", Cho begged. 

"What's in it for me?", I asked.  Cho thought about it for a moment.

"Chocolate and new headphones", Cho said. 

"Deal", I said shaking her hand, "Now what song?", I asked.

The next day, Cho sent a letter to Cedric to meet her in the Astronomy Tower.  Cho and I decorated one side to make it look like a small stage. I would stay behind a curtain only my shadow showing and I would imitate Cho as if it were her shadow but I would sing. I looked over the curtain to see Cedric coming in. Cho and I both quickly got into position and the music started to play:

When we finished, Cho decided to ask Cedric. 

"Hey Ced, would you go to the Yule Ball with me?", Cho asked. He didn't answer Cho. 

"Come on out Y/N", I heard him say. I hesitantly walked out and stood next to Cho.

"Hey Ced! How'd you know it was me?", I asked. I saw a smirk playing on his lips. 

"Come on Y/N! I hang out with you a lot. I know your voice", Cedric said.

"Cedric, can you please answer my question?", Cho asked hopefully.

"Okay, Cho. No, I won't go with you", Cedric said.

"Why?!", both Cho and I asked.

"Because I like someone else and I wanted to ask her", Cedric replied.

"Who?!", we both asked.

"Y/N", Cedric simply said. 

"Me?", I said pointing at myself.

"Her?!", Cho said. I heard a hint of jealousy in her voice. Cho walked out of the room trying not to cry.

"Yes you", Cedric said walking towards me. He now stood in front of me.




"Merlin Y/N", Cedric said smirking, "Get it into your pretty little head. I want to go to the ball with you". Cedric grabbed both my hands pulling me towards him.

"Why me?", I asked. I blushed slightly at the fact of how close we were.

"Because I love you", Cedric said.

"Me not Cho?", I asked trying to process what was happening. 

"You not Cho", Cedric said getting frustrated.

Me?", I asked. 

"You! I want you!", Cedric said. He realized what he said and blushed. He quickly looked away from me.

"A-Are you sure you want me?", I asked Cedric. He turned to look at me with a serious face.

"Completely", Cedric said, "I love-". I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. It was a soft and gentle kiss but at the same time, it showed him and me how much we loved each other. When we pulled apart, Cedric rested his forehead against mine. Neither one of us spoke for a while.



"I love you", I said blushing slightly.

"I love you too", Cedric said, "Go to the ball with me?". I smiled and nodded. Cedric smiled and kissed me again. 

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