Victoire (Teddy x Reader)

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A/N: You are Victoire's twin sister. You were sorted into Hufflepuff with Teddy. This takes place in your 4th year (his 6th year). (BF/N) means best friend. (G/N) means guy friend.


I walked down the corridor trying to find my friends.

"Y/N!!", I heard someone shouted. I turned around to find Teddy, (BF/N), and (G/N). 

"Hey", I said smiling awkwardly.

"There you are dork", (G/N) said, "We were looking everywhere for you".

"Sorry guys, I was in the library. I was helping Victoire with the Potions homework", I said. Teddy perked up when he heard Victoire. 

"Is she still there?", Teddy asked.

"Yeah, she's doing her Charms homework", I said. 

"Thanks (N/N)", Teddy said smiling. He ruffled my hair and ran off. Once he was gone, I sighed and turned to my friends. It hurt that Teddy left for Victoire.

"He definitely likes your sister", (G/N) said.

"I guess", I said. I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"Are you okay?", (BF/N) asked.

"I'm fine", I said. I gave her a small smile.

"You like Teddy, don't you?", (G/N) asked. 

"I don't know", I said.

----Time Skip: Dinner----

Teddy's POV

"So, do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?", I asked Victoire. 

"Sure", Victoire said. She walked over to the Ravenclaw table.

"Yes!", I said. I walked to the Hufflepuff table and I sat down next to Y/N who was talking to (BF/N). I was smiling like an idiot.

"What's got you so happy?", (G/N) asked. The girls stopped talking and turned towards me.

"I asked Victoire on a date", I replied, "And she said yes". From the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N look down upset. I didn't understand why. Y/N looked up pretending to be okay.

"That's great Teddy", Y/N said smiling. 

'You looked sad a few seconds ago', I thought.

"Thanks (N/N)", I said. I ruffled her hair.

----Day of Trip to Hogsmeade----

I waited for the girls with (G/N). 

"Hey guys", Victoire said. 

"Hey Vic", (G/N) said.

"You ready to go Victoire?", I asked.

"No, I want to ride with Y/N", Victoire said.

"Where are they?", (G/N) asked.

"(BF/N) wanted to give Y/N a makeover", Victoire replied.


"Are you sure about this (BF/N)?", I asked.

"Yes, Teddy will notice that you're prettier than Victoire", (BF/N) said. I looked down at my clothes and sighed:

 I looked down at my clothes and sighed:

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"Do I have to wear the heels?", I asked as (BF/N) did my hair.

"Yes", (BF/N) said, "They make you look taller". I sighed as she continued to do my hair. I looked in the mirror and my hair looked like something she and Victoire would wear:

 I looked in the mirror and my hair looked like something she and Victoire would wear:

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"I look more like Victoire than me", I said. (BF/N) laughed. We walked down the stairs towards our friends.

"You really are prettier than Victoire", (BF/N) said. 

"No, I'm not", I said.

"Yes, you are", (BF/N) said.

Teddy's POV

"Hey dorks! We're over here!", (G/N) said waving. I turned around as Victoire ran over to her sister. I blushed as I saw how cute she looked.

'Wait, did I just think Y/N was cute?!', I thought, 'Snap out of it Teddy, you're in love with Victoire remember?!'.

"Hey Teddy", Y/N said smiling at me.

"Hey N/N", I said. I ruffled her hair.

"No! My masterpiece!!", (BF/N) whined. Y/N began to giggle. When did she get so cute?! I felt my cheeks start to heat up. Victoire noticed but stayed quiet.


Victoire and I walked silently to the Three Broomsticks.

"Hey Victoire, I have something to tell you", I said. Victoire stopped walking and I stood too.

"I know what you're going to say Teddy", Victoire said, "And I know you don't".

"What?", I asked.

"You were going to tell me that you love me", Victoire said, "I know that's not true. You're in love with Y/N".

"No, I'm not", I said.

"Yes, you are. I've seen the way you look at her", Victoire said, "You've never looked at me like that". I looked at Victoire and she nodded at me. I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Thanks, Vic", I said.

"Anytime Ted", Victoire said, "Now go get your girl". I blushed and laughed slightly. I ran off to Honeydukes where I knew (G/N) and Y/N would have dragged (BF/N).


"Come on (G/N)", I said, "You could pay for my stuff too".

"No! It's my money", (G/N) said, "It's not my fault you left your money at home". I sighed and turned around to put things back only to crash into someone's chest.

"I'll pay", a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Teddy smiling down at me. I felt myself smile but it fell quickly.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Victoire?", I asked. Teddy frowned slightly. After Teddy paid, he led me out of Honeydukes and towards the Three Broomsticks.

"I have to tell you something", Teddy said as we sat down at a booth.

"What is it, Teddy?", I asked.

"Victoire and I had a talk and I realized something", Teddy said. I tilted my head to the side curiously.

"What is it, Teddy?", I asked.

"I'm in love with you", Teddy said. I froze slightly and looked at him.

"Me? Why would you love me when you could date Vic?", I asked, "She's way prettier and you deserve someone better than me" (A/N: No he doesn't! You're the best Reader-Chan).

"No she's not", Teddy said, "Victoire is pretty but you're beautiful. You're perfect. She isn't". I smiled and hugged Teddy. He hugged me back.

"I love you too, Teddy", I said. Teddy tilted my head up and kissed me.

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