Find Her Voice (Albus Severus x Mute!Reader)

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"Hey Albus", Lily said. I turned and looked at my sister.

"What?", I asked annoyed.

"Have you seen Scorpius?", Lily asked, "Y/N's looking for him". I noticed a girl in my year standing behind her. The Slytherpuff also know as Scorpius' twin sister. I don't talk to her.

"He said he was going to the library", I said. Y/N smiled at me and bowed and walked away.

"That's her way of saying thank you", Lily said.

"Weirdo that one", I said. Lily smacked the back of my head.

"Ouch! What was that for?!", I shouted.

"Don't insult her", Lily said, "You know she can't".

"She can't what?", I asked. Lily looked at me in disbelief.

"Y/N can't talk", James said behind me. I jumped back from shock.

"How long have you been standing there?!", I asked.

"Since you called Y/N a weirdo", James replied.

"What do you mean she can't talk?", I asked.

"Y/N is mute", James and Lily said. I looked at them in shock.

"Really?", I asked.

"Yeah, my sister's mute", Scorpius said. I turned around to find Scorpius and Y/N.  Y/N smiled at me shyly. She made some gestures with her hands. Scorpius shook his head.

"Use your notebook N/N", Lily said. 

"What notebook?", I asked. Y/N held up a black notebook with a wolf design on the cover.

"Y/N uses it to 'talk' to people", James said.

'Hey Albus', Y/N had written.

"Hi?", I said. She smiled and made some more hand gestures to Scorpius. Scorpius laughed and patted her head.

"Really N/N? No, he's not", Scorpius said still laughing.

"What's so funny? And why does she keep making those gestures with her hands?", I asked slightly frustrated.

"To answer your first question, Y/N called you an idiot", Scorpius said.

"To answer the second, she's using sign language", Lily said. 

"What's sign language?", I asked.

'It's a language that the deaf use to "talk" to other people', I read, 'I use it even though I can hear. It gets my feelings across better'. 

"I see", I said, "Have you ever been able to talk?". James smacked the back of my head.

"Ouch!", I whined.

"Don't be rude", James scolded.

"You're one to talk", I said.

'No, I've been mute since I was born', Y/N wrote. 

"Hey N/N, have you done Professor Longbottom's homework yet?", Scorpius asked. Y/N signed something.

"Can I copy it?". She shook her head. Y/N started signing. 

"Is she scolding Scorpius?", I asked. 

"Pretty sure", James said.

"What do you mean pretty sure?".

"I can't understand sign".

"Hey guys", Rose said, "Why's Y/N scolding Malfoy?".

"First, why do you call Scorpius Malfoy and second, he asked to copy homework", I replied.

"Because he's not my friend", Rose said. She walked over to the twins. 

"Hi Y/N", Rose said, "Malfoy". The twins instantly stopped arguing. Y/N signed what I think was a hello.

"Hi Rose", Scorpius said. 

"Wanna go study in the library Y/N?", Rose asked ignoring Scorpius. Y/N nodded and followed Rose.

"She's melting", Scorpius said. 

----Time Skip----

I walked into the Slytherin common room. I heard someone sniffling. I looked around and my eyes landed on a green bow sticking out from behind a chair. 

"Y/N?", I called out. She turned around with a startled expression. 

"Are you okay?", I asked her.

'I'm okay Albus', Her notebook said.

"You don't look okay", I said. I sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?".

'I just feel stupid', She wrote.

"Why?", I asked.

'Everyone else knows how to talk', Y/N wrote, 'I can't even say hi'.

"It's okay Y/N", I said.

'I want to find my voice', I read.

"I'll help you", I said.

"You'll help her with what?", Scorpius asked. He had come into the common room.

"Find her voice", I said. Y/N smiled and hugged me.

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