Enemy (Draco x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Harry's twin sister. You are in Gryffindor.


I ran out of Hagrid's hut and towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest. A tall figure came into view.

"Finally here Potter", Draco said turning around. I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry Dray", I said, "Harry wouldn't let me out of his sight". Draco and I have been dating for about 3 months. Harry and Ron don't know yet. Hermione and Hagrid figured it out. Harry has been getting suspicious lately so he hasn't let me out of his sight. I got Hagrid to keep Harry busy for a little while.

"It's fine Love", Draco said wrapping his arms around my waist, "We can still catch a carriage to Hogsmeade". I smiled and the two of us walked down the path, talking about the most random and stupidest things.

Harry's POV

"We can go to Hogsmeade", Ron suggested. Hermione and I agreed.

"I'll ask Y/N to come too", I said.

"No! She's busy", Hermione said rather quickly. 

"With what?", I asked.

"Homework", Hermione said. I narrowed my eyes.

"She finished it all yesterday", I said.

"I gave 'er an 'xtra assignment", Hagrid said.

"Oh", I said, "That makes sense". Hermione, Ron, and I left Hagrid's hut and started walking down the path to the carriages. I saw something I thought I would never see:

 I saw something I thought I would never see:

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Malfoy was hugging my sister. Not just my sister but my younger twin sister and the girl I shared the worst years of my  life with. My best friend since birth was being hugged by my worst enemy.

"Harry?", Hermione asked nervously. I snapped out of my daze and ran off towards them.

"Harry!!", I heard Ron and Hermione shout after me. I ignored them and continued running towards Malfoy and Y/N.

Draco's POV

"You're too cute", I said. Y/N had tripped and I had caught her. Her messy black hair was covering her face and her glasses were hanging off one of her ears.

"Shut up Dray", Y/N said. I laughed and fixed her glasses. She giggled and we looked into each other's eyes. We were about to kiss when we were interrupted.

"Malfoy, get away from her!!", Potter shouted. He came up to us with Granger and Weasley following behind him.

"I thought you said Granger was okay with it", I whispered.

"She is", Y/N whispered back. Potter shoved me away from my princess (She's actually my queen).

"What the hell Potter?", I asked.

"Stay away from my little sister", Potter spat.

"I'm only younger than you by 2 minutes!", Y/N said. I held back a laugh at her adorable pout.

"I'm not going to stay away from Y/N", I said, "I love her too much". I saw Y/N fiddling with the dragon locket I gave her:

 I saw Y/N fiddling with the dragon locket I gave her:

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I caught her eye and she blushed and gave me a smile.

"Y/N", Potter said directing his attention to his sister, "He's the enemy". Y/N's smile turned into a frown and her emerald eyes that were usually full of warmth, lost all of their warmth completely.

"No Harry", Y/N said, "He's your  enemy". Potter and Y/N glared at each other.

"If he's your boyfriend, then I'm not your brother", Potter said.

"Harry", Weasley and Granger said.

"Potter", I said at the same time as Granger and Weasley. Y/N stood there shocked. Her eyes filled with tears.

"H-Harry", Y/N whimpered, "Y-You don't mean it".

"I mean it", Potter said. Potter turned around and walked away. 

"Y/N", Weasley said. He gave her a sad smile and ran off after Potter.

"Granger", I said. I signaled at Y/N with my eyes. Granger understood. She hugged Y/N.

"I'll talk to him, Y/N", Granger told her. Granger let go of Y/N and ran off after the boys. Y/N burst out crying.

"It's okay Love", I said pulling Y/N into my chest.

"He hates me", Y/N whimpered, "He hates me". 

"It's okay Love", I said. I whispered sweet nothings into her ears.

To be continued....

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