What Is This Feeling? (Tom Riddle x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: For the sake of this one-shot, the Marauders era and Tom Riddle's era are the same era. You are Harry's older sister (The Girl Who Lived). You are a Gryffindor. My source for the Animagus essay was harrypotter.fandom.com. By the way, Tom Riddle is going to be out of character because he's learning how to love someone.

----Before Present Time----


"Miss Potter, Dumbledore wants to see you", Snape said. I stood up and followed Snape.

"Can I say the password, Sev?", I asked.

"It's Professor Snape to you, Potter", Snape snapped, "But go ahead". I squealed and walked up to the gargoyle. I saw a small smile on Snape's face as I passed by.

"Acid Pops", I said. The gargoyle stepped to the side revealing the staircase. The two of us climbed up the stairs and into Dumbledore's office.

"Hello Y/N", Dumbledore said.

"Hello Professor", I said.

"Sit, I have an important matter to discuss with you", Dumbledore said pointing to a chair. I sat down and looked at him, Snape, and McGonagall (who had just come in). The three of them stared at me and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Why am I here?", I asked breaking the silence.

"We have a job for you Miss Potter", McGonagall said.

"What kind of job?", I asked.

"Miss Potter, I want you to go back in time", Dumbledore said.

"What?!", I shouted.

"I want you to go back in time to save Tom Riddle", Dumbledore continued as if there was no interruption.

"Save him from what?", I asked.

"Himself", Dumbledore said, "I want you to stop him from becoming Voldemort".

"I'll do it", I said.

----Present Time----

Tom's POV

I walked down the corridor to get to the Potions classroom. The mudblood Lily Evans ran past me.

"Lily! Wait up!", a voice said. I looked up and saw Y/N Potter. The only person who managed to befriend me. She ran past me and I stopped in my tracks for a second. I turned around to see she had caught up to the mudblood. I felt a weird feeling in my chest as I watched her. I shook it off and walked off to class.

----Time Skip----

I sat in the front row in Transfiguration. I felt someone slide into the seat next to me. I looked to my right and saw Y/N sitting there. She noticed me looking at her and she smiled at me. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Hey Tom", Y/N said.

"Y/N", I said. Dumbledore came in. Towards the end of class, Dumbledore walked to the front of the desk.

"I will be handing back yesterday's Animagus essay", Dumbledore said. He handed Y/N hers and then he handed me mine. I looked at my paper and frowned. I got an A. I glanced at Y/N who was smiling to herself.

"Hey Y/N, what did you get?", I asked.

"I got a grade", She said. Y/N had a playful smirk on her face when she noticed that she annoyed me.

"Let me see", I said.

"No thanks", She said.

"Let me see Potter", I said. I reached over to grab it, but she stood up on her chair and held her paper over her head.

"Take it Riddle", Y/N said. She smirked and her eyes sparkled with mischief.

'She's pretty cute', I thought. I shook my head shaking that thought out of my head. I stood up so that I was eye to eye with her. I reached up and took the paper from her. I sat down and looked at her paper. She had gotten an O.

"How?", I muttered. I compared her essay with mine.

"You phrased this wrong", Y/N said, "The Patronus charm and the Animagus form are normally the same animal, Tom". I read the sentence she pointed out and then I read hers.

"I see", I said.

"You also wrote that the wizard can choose what animal their Animagus form is", Y/N continued, "The Animagus form is determined by the wizard's personality and inner traits".

"You know a lot about this", I said, "It's almost like you are one". She laughed awkwardly.

"Me? An Animagus? That's ridiculous Tom", Y/N said.


"It's not ridiculous", Tom said. Just then, Dumbledore dismissed us.

"I promised Lily I'd meet her in the library", I said packing up my stuff, "I'll see you later Tom". Tom nodded as he packed up his stuff. I tried to walk past Tom but me being clumsy dork I am, I tripped over Tom's chair and fell. My bag fell to the floor and my stuff spilled out. Tom chuckled and helped me up.

"You're so clumsy", Tom said. I glared up at him. He was like 4 feet taller than me (That's an exaggeration).

"It's not my fault Tommy", I said in a teasing tone. He scoffed at the nickname. I noticed his cheeks had turned slightly pink.

"D-Don't call me that", Tom said. I smirked at his reaction. I stood up on his chair (again). He looked at me confused. I smiled and I could tell my eyes were sparkling with mischief.

"Awww, is little Tommy blushing?", I said teasingly as I playfully pinched his cheek.

"S-Shut up", Tom stuttered. He picked me up and spun me around (the class was empty at this point).

"T-Tom!!", I stuttered. I could feel my cheeks heating up. The door creaked..

"Are we interrupting something?", a voice said. Tom immediately put me down and I turned towards the door and I saw my parents (who don't know that they are my parents) standing there.

"No", Tom and I said.

"What are you two doing here?", I asked.

"I was looking for you and Potter tagged along", Mu-er Lily said scoffing.

"I was worried about my cousin", Da-James said (Dumbledore told everyone that).

"Sorry, I was busy", I said.

"We can see that", Lily said. I smiled and grabbed my stuff. I smiled at Tom and walked away. When we were an earshot away from Tom, Lily and James turned towards me.

"What was that about?", they said.

"Nothing", I said simply.

Tom & Y/N

What is this feeling?

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