It's Love (Scorpius x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: You are Rose's twin sister; Y/N Nymphadora Granger-Weasley. You are in Ravenclaw. Warning: There are hints towards self-harm in this one-shot. There will be a one-shot explaining that self-harm and the events that happened.


Scorpius's POV

"Y/N, I don't love Rose", I said, "I love you". The tears finally streamed down her face as her hands gripped her hair shaking her head frantically.

"No", She whispered, "I don't believe you". I felt my heart break at how sad and broken her voice was.

"Please, believe me, Y/N", I begged taking a step closer to her, "I love you. I always have. Rose was just a distraction, I swear". Y/N's expression was sad, broken, and disgusted.

"Why would you use her as a distraction?", Y/N snapped, "What did she do to you?". She tried to push past me. I stopped her.

"It was a mistake, I know", I said, "But I just thought you wouldn't love me back". She shook her head.

"Let me go Scorp", She said.

"Please forgive me".

"I can't this time". She shrugged my hand and walked away. 

----Present Time----

Albus's POV

It's been almost a month since Y/N walked out of Scorpius's life. Well, maybe out of his life is exaggerating. 

"Hey, Y/N", I said, "Newt". Newton Scamander was the eldest son of Aunt Luna. Since we're not related by blood, Y/N and Newt were allowed to date and that's what they're doing. Two weeks after the incident with Scorp, Newt asked her out and everything moved on from there.

"Hey Albus", they said. Y/N took a seat in front of me and Newt sat down next to her. He wrapped an arm around her. I smiled as Y/N's own smile grew.

"How's Rose been doing?", I asked. 

"She was fine that day and she's fine now", Y/N muttered, "You know Dad worried more about his Rosie". I gave Y/N a small smile as Newt rubbed her arm comfortingly. I reached over the table and grabbed hold of her wrist. She resisted before allowing me to push up her sleeves. I ran my finger over one of her scars. 

"I hate Scorpius for causing you to do that", Newt mumbled pressing a kiss to Y/N's temple. Y/N smiled and snuggled into Newt. I smiled at the adorable couple. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Scorpius walk in. He saw me and started walking over. 

"Hey Al", Scorpius said. 

"Hey Scorp", I mumbled. He sat down next to me and froze when he saw who was in front of us.  He grabbed an apple, stood up, and walked out. Y/N stood up and followed Scorpius. Newt and I looked at each other in surprise.


"Malfoy!", I shouted. Scorpius turned around and waited for me to catch up.

"What?", Scorpius asked surprised. 

"I forgive you", I said. He looked even more surprised. 

"Really?", Scorpius said. I nodded. Scorpius ran over and hugged me. 

"Thank you". I smiled. He pulled away from the hug.

"Come back and actually eat lunch", I said.

"Are you sure your boyfriend won't mind?", Scorpius asked. 

"Newt? He won't mind", I replied, "He's just upset with something that happened". Scorpius reached for my wrist as if he knew what I meant. He gently lifted my sleeve up and carefully ran a finger over my scar. 

"I'm sorry", He whispered as tears filled his eyes.

"It's not entirely your fault", I said smiling at him.

"It's my fault", Scorpius said. 

"Scorp, it's okay. I'm fine now", I said. 

"I'm glad you're happy with Scamander", Scorpius said, "But just so you know, I'll wait for you as long as it takes". 

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