Pathetic Excuse of a Witch (Ron x Reader)

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A/N: Sorry for not updating lately. I've been busy with school. This chapter will be short. Quick warning this chapter involves swearing.

Ron's POV

I walked down the hall with Harry and Hermione. 

"Say that again you little bitch!!", We heard Parkinson shout. We turned the corner and saw Parkinson shove Y/N L/N (my childhood friend and crush) to the ground. 

"Face it Parkinson", Y/N said, "Draco doesn't like you". I sighed. Y/N was good friends with Malfoy and I think she might have a crush on him.  Parkinson lifted her fist to punch Y/N but I ran in front of her and took the punch straight in the face. I stumbled back a little. 

"Ron!", Hermione shouted. Harry helped Y/N up and pulled her away.

"Well played Weasley", Parkinson said. She gave me a sick smirk. She looked at Y/N.

"L/N! You pathetic excuse of a witch! You can't fight your own battles!", Parkinson shouted at Y/N, "No wonder the Sorting Hat couldn't sort you". I whipped my wand out and pointed it at Parkinson's neck.

"Say that again you little motherfucker! I dare you", I said threatening her. 

"She's not worth it Ron", Y/N said. She pulled me away from Parkinson. Parkinson ran away with her friends. 

"Ron, let's go", Hermione said. She glanced at Y/N. I ignored her.

"Are you alright?", I asked Y/N. 

"I am but maybe Parkinson is right. I'm a pathetic excuse of a witch. What kind of witch gets sorted into a house like Gryffinpuff?", Y/N replied. 

"You are not a pathetic excuse of a witch", I said firmly. She looked at me with those big e/c eyes of hers.

"You're just saying that because you're my friend Ron", Y/N said.

"No, I'm not! I'm saying it because it's true and because I love you", I said. I mentally slapped myself. I just told her that I loved her. What is wrong with me?!

"Y-You love me?", Y/N asked. I noticed that her eyes looked hopeful. 

"I do! I love you Y/N", the words came out of my mouth before I realized what I was saying. I blushed and looked away from her. 

"I love you too Ronnie", I heard her say in a timid voice. I smiled and turned back to face her. I pulled her towards me and kissed her. I heard clapping and I remembered that Harry and Hermione were still here. 

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