Trust (Young! Remus x Reader)

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A/N: Hey people! It's been a while since I posted a one-shot. This one was requested by ilovesomestuff. So, you are Y/N Black (my own idea to this one-shot, thank you) and you are a Gryffindor. 


I walked with Sirius down by the lake. 

"So, how's it going with Remus?", Sirius asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes trying to hide my growing smile and blush. Sirius can really be a teenage girl sometimes. 

"It's going great actually", I said glancing at my brother. 


"What do you mean but?".

"Y/N, you're my twin", Sirius replied, "I know when something's on your mind". I sighed giving in. 

"You know me too well", I said with a small smile. 

"So, tell me what's on your mind", Sirius said plopping down on the ground. I giggled and sat down next to him. 

"I just feel like Remus is hiding something from me", I said fiddling with the wolf pendant Remus had given me. Sirius gulped and stood up abruptly. 

"Sirius? Where are you going?".

"I just remembered that James has plans to ask Lily out and I want to be there", Sirius said quickly running away. 

"But Sirius", I shouted after him, "It's twin time!". I sighed rolling my eyes.

Sirius's POV

I burst into our dorm panting. James and Peter looked up confused. 

"Where's Remus?", I asked trying to catch my breath. 

"He's in the shower", James said, "Why?".

"He has to tell Y/N", I said. Peter dropped the chocolate frog he was holding. 

"You know how he feels about it", James mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

"She's my sister", I said, "I want her to be happy and I know she can keep a secret". 

"It's up to Remus", Peter squeaked.

"I know", I said, "I just want Y/N to be happy". The rushing of water stopped and a few minutes later, Remus appeared in the room.

Remus's POV

"What's going on?", I asked. Sirius and James looked up at me somewhat panicked. 

"Nothing", They said. I crossed my arms and looked from James to Sirius and then back to James. 

"Tell me", I snapped. 

"It'sjustthatIthinkyoushouldtellmysisterthatyou'reawerewolf", Sirius quickly muttered. 

"I can't", I said. 

"Why not?", Sirius asked. 

"What if she doesn't accept it?", I asked, "What if she leaves me?". Just the thought of losing her caused my heart to break. 

"She won't leave you", Sirius reassured, "You just have to tell her".

"I can't tell her", I said, "She'll never understand".

"Y/N will understand!", Sirius shouted, "You have to tell her! She's your girlfriend!".

"Yeah mate", James added calmly, "You've got to".

"I just ca-".

"You don't have to bother telling me anything", a voice said. All of our heads turned in the direction of the door. there stood Y/N in tears looking beautiful (as always). 

"What?", I whispered.

"You don't have to bother telling me anything", She said, "We're through". She turned around and took off running. 

"Y/N!!!", I shouted and started after her. Sirius grabbed my arm holding me from running after Y/N. 

"Sirius! Let me go!!".

"Give her time", Sirius said, "I know my sister. she'll come around". I nodded and dropped down onto the floor staring at the door hoping that she comes back.

Time Skip: 1 week later----


"Just talk to him", Lily whispered. I looked up from my potions book. 

"No Lily", I mumbled, "I can't".

"Why not?", Lily asked looking up. 

"I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust me", I said quickly glancing at Remus. 

"He does trust you", Lily said. 

"Then why won't he tell me what he and the others were talking about?", I demanded. 

"Maybe it's just something he just can't tell you", She muttered. 

"He can't tell me when I was his girlfriend", I snapped, "But he can tell my brother and the other Marauders". 

"They're his best friends", Lily reasoned. 

"I'm a Marauder too!", I shouted, "He just doesn't trust me!". The rest of the Great Hall turned and looked at us. I scoffed picking up my bag and walking out. 

"Y/N! Wait!", He shouted. I scowled and turned around. 

"What do you want Remus?!", I snapped. He winced. I never yell at him. 

"Please just listen to me", Remus begged with his puppy dog eyes. 

"Fine", I mumbled. So unfair! He knew I wouldn't be able to resist the puppy eyes.

Remus led me to an empty classroom. 

"So tell me, Remus, what did you want to say?". 

"I'mawerewolf", Remus said quickly.


"I'm a werewolf", He repeated slowly. My shoulders relaxed and I smiled at Remus.

"That's it?", I asked.

"What do you mean that's it?", Remus asked.

"I thought that maybe Sirius told you about you past with guys", I said.

"I'm so sorry I made you feel like I didn't trust you", Remus said.

"Why did you?", I asked. Remus bit his lip nervously.

"I thought if I told you my secret, you would leave me", Remus said. He looked down at his shoes. I smiled and gently lift his face up making him look at me. 

"Remus, I would never leave you", I said. 

"But I'm a monster", Remus mumbled, "Aren't you afraid of me now?".

"You're not a monster. You're still my Remus", I said, " And I could never be afraid of my Remus".

"Why not?", Remus asked.

"Because I love you", I said. I kissed him and he smiled into the kiss. He rested his head on my shoulder. His face buried in the crook of my neck. We stood there in a comfortable silence.



"I love you".

"I love you too, Remus".

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now