Chapter 7 - the letter

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Caitlyn's POV

I attempted slowly to get out of bed trying to not wake Ben up and so that I could also get ready for the rest of the day but I felt his grip on my hand tighten and like that I was pulled back down onto the bed and into his embrace.

"Where do you think your going?" He asks, his eyes were still not open, but he still manage to hold me close to him.

"Going to get ready for the day. Maybe to make some breakfast for us"

A small smile tugged at his lips as he started to open his eyes. His hand grabbed a hold of my thigh and then he brought onto of his lap to straddle him.

"I rather have you for breakfast," He whispered with his lips just inches away from mine.

My cheeks started to redden as I started to feel a little embarrassed by his comment. But her manages to take that away when he brings me into a kiss.

"It's too early for this, I need my coffee first," I said as I break our kiss.

"Nope. Not going to happen. I'm never let go of you" He pulled me down and wrapped his arms around my whole body holding me extremely tight.

"Ben! Let me go!" I yelled trying to wriggle out of his grip, but he refused to let go, "Ok wait! Let's compromise this"

"I'm listening"

"You let me go and then I give you a little favour to satisfy your needs. Sound good?"

"I like the sound of that"

I shot him a smirk and then I connected my lips to his and then started moving down, leaving a trail of kisses as I move down and down.

I could tell he was really enjoying this, but I wasn't giving him what he thinks he's going to get. I brought my hand to his most ticklish spot and started tickling him. He burst into laughter which was the most adorable thing I have ever witnessed.

But then the roles were reversed when he managed to roll me onto my back and started tickling me, "S-S-Stop!" I yelled with massive amounts laughter's. He continues for a bit but then he stops letting me finally catch my breath, "Can I go now?"

"Kiss me first" I brought myself up and cupped his face before I could leave a big dramatic kiss onto his lips.


"Extremely," He says with a big smile as I get out of the bed finally. But then I felt a massive sting on my backside and then I realised he had just slapped me.

"Benjamin Hardy! That is very inappropriate," I say looking at him pretending to be angry.

He puts his hand to his head to gesture a salute towards me, "Sorry Ma'am it won't happen again"

I pulled him closer to me by pulling his collar to give him a cheeky peck on the lips, "Your cute, aren't you?"

"Only for you"


I had a quick shower and got dressed and ready for the rest of the day and then I sat by my phone impatiently waiting for Gen to shoot me a text to let me know she's safe when she lands.

I sit at the dining table eating a bowl of cereal while watching a YouTube video on my phone when I was interrupted by the doorbell.

"Coming!" I yell putting all my devices off before getting of my chair and running to the front door.

I opened it but no one was there, expect for an envelope with my name on it. I look around to see if anyone was there but there was not a soul to be seen. I went back inside and shut the door, I then walked to the living room where I threw myself on the couch to open the letter.

Dear Caity,

I'm so sorry baby, I made a mistake of treating you wrong. You are my one true love and I love you so much and I know you once reciprocated those feelings. I heard from a little bird that your moving to LA with Ben. I hope this isn't a plan to escape me because you can't.

Love from yours truly,


I felt my tears well up in my eyes before they could actually fall out. How does he know I was going to move with Ben soon? Was he stalking me?

"Hey who was at- Caity? What's wrong Princess?" He came over to the couch and immediately sat next to me pulling me into his loving embrace that just makes me feel a million times better.

I passed him the letter and broke out hug at the same time. I watched him as he read the letter from Kade and how quickly his facial expression changed.

"For fucks sake. Is that bastard outside? I'm going to- "He jumped up from the couch in rage and anger.

"Ben! No!" I stopped him and made him sit down again, "We don't want any more trouble"

"He's bloody stalking you Caity! He can't do this to you," He said softly putting his hand on my cheek.

"He's an asshole Ben. Don't let him bother you" I wiped my tears to show to him that I'm not just some cry baby.

"Well it bothers me to see you hurt"

"it's ok... I'm fine, I promise," I said forcefully putting on a smile.

"I'll protect you no matter what, aright?" I nodded my head and he pulled me into another hug, "I love you"

Oh my god he said I love you for the first time. My emotions immediately changed from anger and scared to being nervous.

"I love you too," I whispered.

Even though I couldn't see him I just know he was smiling when I said that. I really do love this man. 

Love of my life // Ben Hardy Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now