Chapter 64 - Birthday party

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Caitlyn's POV
"Come on you two let's go get dressed" I chased the twins back into the rooms, I put them in matching outfits Steph in a dress and Ollie in a pants and a shirt "don't you two look good" I kissed them both on the head and left them to play with the toys in their room, "ben can I come in?" Ben was in the shower and I needed to put my makeup on "yes come on in" I opens the door and went to the mirror, Ben steps out of the shower and puts a towel around him and comes towards me and hugs me and puts his chin on my shoulder "you look gorgeous" "thank you" I gave him a kiss on his cheek "do you need help?" "Yes actually can you help me put my necklace on?" He nodded and I moved my hair so he could put it on "there you go" he gave me a kiss on my neck "I don't know what to wear" he says drying his hair "what ever you wear you will always look handsome" I put my hands on his chest and give me a kiss "are you just saying that because I'm your husband" "of course not" I hit his chest "your always handsome" I gave him another kiss then the doorbell rings "I'll got get that" I start walking out but then turn around "can you bring the kids down once you finished?" He nodded and I gave him a kiss and walked down. "Hi Gen, hi Joe" I invited the them in "Hi Tanner" I gave him a high five "aw hello Luke" it's was Luke's birthday about 2 months ago "how are you guys?" I ask them "oh we are great what about you?" "Yeah we are fine" I smiled at them "oh before I forget here is Ollie's present and Steph present" she handed me them "thanks you guys I'm sure they will love them" I hear Ben walk down the stairs "Hello" Ben comes down holding one kid in each hand, when he comes over to us he puts them down and shakes Joe's hand and hugs Gen. the party was going along quite well there was a lot of kids running around, the music was playing and everyone was having a good time "Caity, um she's here" I turn around to see Gwil and Jess "its ok Ben, I can handle it" Gwil spots us and walks over to us "hey guys" he hugs me and shakes Ben's hand "you guys remember Jess" jess smiles and holds Gwils hand "oh of course I do" I fake smile at her "Jess do you want a drink?" Gwil asks her "yes love that would be nice" she kisses his cheek and he walk away "Jealous?" She asked me and my eyes opens wide "oh no how could I be jealous of someone who is using someone" I smiled at and Ben laughed silently "anyway it's a kids party I'm not going to fight. Ok." I grabbed Ben's hand and walked away. Ben and I were talking to one of my old school friends who was visiting in California, she didn't know I was married or had kids she thought I was just holding a party "Chloe! It's so good to see you again" I hugged her "Cait how are you?" "I'm doing well thanks" I smiled at her, we used to be best friends back in high school she was always the one who would sleep with boys every night and drink even though we were underage and I'm pretty sure she still does, we have been talking for a long time now just catching up "I think that guy over there is looking at me" she says I turn around it was Ben he smiled at me and I smiled back "look he is coming over here!" "Hi I'm chloe but you can call me chlo" she put her hand out to shake his "Hello it's nice to meet you, I'm Ben" he sits down next to me "so tell me a little about yourself?" She put her hand on his thigh and he looked at me and cleared his throat "well I'm a actor and I like to pay drums" he looked at me again giving me the 'help me' look "I'm married and have 2 kids" she took her hand off his thigh "oh your married" "yes very happy with her" I smiled "well you will have to introduce me to her! Is she here?" "Yes she is actually" he grabbed my hand and kissed it "Oh it's Cait" he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, she gave me the 'I hate you stare' I could I possibly forget that she hates when I get the boys she wants when we were in high school she liked a boy who has a crush on me which made her jealous "aren't you lucky" she gave me fake smile "I am very lucky. Hey it's the kids bed time" Ben and I got up "it's nice to meet you Chlo" he shakes his hand "it's nice to meet you too" we put the kids to bed and went back down stairs to enjoy the rest of the party, Tanner and Luke were also alseep in the room so Gen and Joe were staying the night. After everyone had left it's was Just Gen, Joe, Ben and I awake, Gen and I were on the the couch with a glass of wine each "I do Chlo again" her eyes went wide "Chlo? As in the slut of our year level" I laughed and nodded "she tried to hook up with Ben, you should have seen his face and hers when she realised that I was married to him" she laughed and then the Boys cane over and sat down next to us "what you guys talking about" Ben asked pulling me down on him "Chloe and her reaction to when she found out I was married to you" Gen and I laughed again and Ben gave me a kiss "it's getting late, I think I'm going to go to bed" I say "you guys know where your sleeping right" Gen laughed and nodded "I'll see you guys in the morning" "Ben are you coming" I winked at him, he put his beer down and got up as fast as he could and picked me up bridal style and ran up the stairs "Goodnight guys" I yelled  they said goodnight and laughed. Ben put me on the bed and stared taking his shirt off and then his pants "woah calm down there who said we were going to do anything" he got on his knees and pouted "don't be such a tease babe" I sat on the end of the bed and he was kneeling between my legs holding my waist "why can't I?" I started stroking his hair "because the more you do the more I want to rip your shirt off" I bit my lip "then what are you waiting for" as soon as I said that he kissed me and started taking my shirt off but not breaking the kiss he picked me up and made me lie down on the middle off the bed and him on top of me, I was actually really tired and I was almost falling asleep and after a while of just kissing I fell asleep leaving Ben just confused and him on top of me "Caity are you serious!?" He got off me and pulled me into his hug "Ben I'm too tired" "sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you" I turned around to him "it's ok" "Caity I need to finish off you left me hanging, please help me" he started touching my back "do it yourself, I won't care it's quite a turn on actually" he smiled at me giving him a kiss and then I fell asleep again....

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