Chapter 35 - I deserve it

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Caitlyn's POV
It's the morning after my first night out Ben was still asleep his arms were wrapped on my waist, I moved his arms slowly so he couldn't wake up, I got up and went to the floor where my clothes from last night were lying I get dressed and check my phone "Oh shit I forgot about Gen and Joe" I whisper yell I have got hundreds of messages and miss calls asking where I am and that she has picked up Tanner and Kenzie and took them to her place, I smiled because Gen always knew what to do, I get my purse and leave to go get breakfast for Ben and I. "Good morning babe" I kissed Ben on the cheek waking him up "good morning my beautiful queen" he says pulling me in for a kiss "I bought breakfast!" He got up and got dressed "MacDonald's?" He said looking at me "I know it isn't much but it was the only place open" he came over to me and kissed my cheek " Caity calm down I love it" I looked at him shocked "really, I mean I know you like to healthy and all?" He kissed my cheek again "I think it's cute and it's always good to eat what you want sometimes" he sat down at the table and so did I, I got a call it was from my mum
M: Caity it's a Emergancy
C: what is it mum? Is everything ok!?"
M: you need to come ASAP it your father he is seriously ill
C: mum what are you saying?
M: He is going Cat..,,his time on earth is coming to a end
C: mum I'm coming I promise I'll be there.
I hung up I didn't say a word I got up from the table, Ben was confused I couldn't keep my mid straight I fell dizzy and all of a sudden I fell and I started screaming like I was in a mental hospital "Caity what wrong" Ben rushed over to me coming on the floor " Caity talk to me! What's wrong" I couldn't stop crying "Ben we need to go to Utah" I stood up still crying "why Caity?" He Had his hands on my shoulders "my dad he is" I couldn't finish "he is going Ben he doesn't have long" Ben didn't say anything he just hugged me tightly "I'll call Gen to look after Kenzie for us, ok" he kissed my forehead "and I'll book the next flight". We arrived in Utah and we went to the hospital, I see my mum "oh Cat" I run up to her and she hugged me tightly "mum is he there how is he?" She just looked down "where's your sister?" I felt Ben Hug me from behind "mum she has her job and you know dad and her didn't have the best relationship she told me she hates him" I hug my mum she was crying, I grabbed her hand and we walk to the room where he was "Caity is that you?" My dad said sounding so sick "Caity, oh my precious Caity" I ran up to him, I start crying "dad I'm so sorry I shouldn't have ever left you" I knelt next to him near the bed "Caity it's ok I treated you horribly, I deserve this" I looked at him and I was hurt when he said that "dad don't say that" I held his hand "so this is the lucky man who married my daughter" Ben walked up to me and my dad "yes dad this is Ben" I stood up holding into Ben's hand "Dad we have a daughter! Would you like to see a photo?" He nodded I spent one hour showing him pictures of my time in California with Kenzie and Ben. It's now been a few hours and the doctors informed us it nearly the end "Dad I love you so much" he was asleep  so he didn't hear or say anything then I hear the horrific sound of the long beep in look up his heart right it's stopped "dad!?" I shook him "jeff" my mum ran up to him and shook him as well "he's gone, Ben he is gone" I started crying Ben held me in his arms my head against his chest he just kept rubbing my head "Ben he is gone" he kissed my forehead, my mum quickly got a doctor, they told us to say are finally goodbyes i just couldn't I couldn't bare to see him "Ben let's go" he looked at me "Caity aren't you going to say goodbye?" I shook my head and grabbed his hand and we left, I hugged my mum and we said our goodbyes. Ben and I check into a hotel, we got changed and went to bed Ben fell asleep and so did I but I was having a bad nightmare I woke up screaming and crying "Caity what's going on?" Ben woke up holding me "it's ok babe, calm down" i looked at him "I love you Ben" I say leaning closer to me "I love you to Caity" I kissed Ben jumping on top of his lap pushing him down so he lying down "Ben there's only one thing that will get my mind of things" I say leaning down on him, I could feel him getting turned on "and what's that" I can see him biting his lip "you" I kissed him passionately and he kissed me the same when I'm with Ben all my anxiety goes away and feel so much better I'm so grateful to have a man like him.........

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