Chapter 23 - The big day

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Caitlyn's POV
Today is the big day, Ben and I will be going out separate ways in about 1 hour to start getting ready. Ben was going to reception to set up and I am going to Gen's house to start getting ready, I start shaking Ben " wake up! Wake up! Wake up" he didn't get up so then i got up on the bed and started jumping "wake up!" He finally woke up, his hair was in a mess and he started rubbing his eyes "good morning soon to be Wife" I get back in bed giving him a kiss on his forehead "come on get up you need to go!!! Come on I'll make some breakfast! How does that sound" i knew mentioning breakfast he would wake up faster "depends on what your making" he smiled at me "hmmm let me think....... what about your favourite bacon with French toast and a smoothie!" His smile got even wider and finally started to wake up from his sleep "that's sounds wonderful" he pulled me in for a quick kiss, then I got up and went out the door to start making breakfast, I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs "hello love, breakfast will be ready soon" I say to him as he sits at the dinner table "oh thank lord I'm starving" he put some music on, "breakfast is ready!" He got up from his seat and took my hand twirling me around "dance with me!" He pulls me in closer and he holds my hand and we start dancing "is this practise for tonight?" I whisper to him laughing, he twirled me "oh trust for later tonight I've got a idea, but for our first dance..... it's just going to be traditional" we stopped dancing and I burst out in laughter "ok but your taking me to my surprise honeymoon, first" I say as he holds my waist and then twirls me around again "of course" he kisses me then let's me go "ok now eat before breakfast gets cold" I say I kissed his forehead and left to get ready for today "aren't you eating babe?" He turns arounds and asks me "no Gen and I are going out for breakfast" I smiled and walked away. I go down stairs and go to Ben "ok I'm leaving now" I kissed his forehead "next time I see you, you will be all dressed up like a handsome gentlemen waiting on the other side of the aisle" I put my hands around his neck "love you" I say to him kissing his forehead again "I love you to my beautiful bride" I kissed him on the forehead again and I left.

1 hour later...

Gen thought it would be funny if we went to Mac Donald's so we met up "Wow I haven't been to MacDonald since coming to LA" I laughed while sipping my coffee "I know it brings memories back from when we would come with our mothers and we would go play on the playground waiting for our happy meals" Gen shed a tear, and grabbed my two hands "now your getting married an we won't have so much time together" she looked down biting her lip to keep her tears in "Oh Gen don't be ridiculous just because I'm getting married doesn't mean we won't see each other, and plus you may get married one day too!" I rubbed her arm "oh Caity I'm going to miss you so much when your gone for 2 weeks" Gen said hugging onto me "me too! Me too now let's go back we have 5 hours till I have to get in a limo now let's go!" I grabbed her hand and we left to go Gen"s house. We go to Gen's house and put 'a night at the opera' on their turntable "where should we start???..... hmmmm your hair!!! That's gonna take a long time" Gen said getting her hair supplies then there was a knock at the door "Give me a sec I'm coming!" Gen screamed and made her way over to the door "Gwil, nice to see you, come on in" she gestured him to come in "Hello Gwil" I stood up and kissed his cheek "so what brings you here" I ask him "well I have something from the groom" he pulled out a black box and a letter, I open the letter,

Dear Caitlyn,
I have decided to surprise you, with a small gift that I hope too see it tonight, I have to presents for you one in the black box and another in a bag, I suggest the you open it somewhere privately, I love you Caity and I cannot wait to see you and finally start a new chapter in our life's .

From you love
Ben xo

I started crying "Bye ladies I must leave, I'll see you both very soon" Gwil let himself out "well open the gifts" Gen said as she snatched the letter "oooooo open it in private" she winked at me "well I don't care your my best friend you can see what he has gotten me" so I opened the black box to find a a beautiful diamond necklace and matching earrings "oh it's beautiful" I couldn't stop looking it "I'm wearing this today" I say turning to Gen "open the bag" I pulled the bag close to me and I pulled it out and unwrapped the wrapping only to find "omg" Gen and I bursted out laughing, it was this really sexy white lingerie "oh Ben, he really wants me to wear this" I say I couldn't stop laughing i our ny hands in my head and I started blushing "well Caity your going to wear it make him happy ok" she smiled and got up to do my hair "fine oh i know he will be happy" I laughed, Gen did my hair "wow Gen it looks amazing" I say I couldn't stop touching the curls more like beach waves "hello girls I'm here!!! Wow Caity you look fantastic" Lucy walks in making herself at home "you know Caity I don't know if you realised but this is the same hair style I did for your first date with Ben" she smiled holding my shoulders "omg it is too, oh that beautiful I hope he notices" I smiled i was so happy I checked the time we know have 3 hours "come on do your hair girls we don't have all day!" I tell Gen and Lucy one they finish we all do our makeup and then it was time for me to put in the dress, the girls were already dressed in there ocean blue full length dresses, I first put on my lingerie what Ben bought me then my dress, the girls helped me zip up and put my shoes on "now just one last thing" Gen picked up the Tihara and veil and put the on me "wait the jewellery" Lucy said she put the necklace and earrings on "there all done, look we're on schedule we have 10 minutes before we have to leave" Lucy said I turned around the girls Jaw dropped "Caity!" They said in unison "you look incredible" I started blushing "you really think so" I said smiling "well you do!!! Here take you flowers" I took them and the girls helped me downstairs, I was so happy till I was getting a call from my mum
C: Mum where are your meant to be here
M: I'm so sorry your are father and I can't come!
C: are you joking! Why not this is the most important day in my life
M: your father refused to see you today nor did he want me to leave I really wish I could -
I hung up the phone on her, I started crying "why can't they be here, who's going to walk me down the aisle" I looked at Gen and Lucy "I have any idea!" Lucy said
L: hello Roger how are you?
R: I'm great how are you?
L: I'm fine, we have a crisis
R: is the wedding getting canceled!? Oh I knew this would happen!
L: no listen to me yiu need to walk Caity down as her father refuses to see her
R: tell Caity I'll be happy too! Now hurry up!
L; thank you roger I'll see you soon
"Well there you Go Roger is walking you down the aisle" I actually couldn't believe it the drummer of queen is walking me down the aisle "oh thank you so much" I say as we leave to get into the limo, we finally arrived at the ceremony where I met roger "wow Caity you look absorbed stunning" he kissed my cheek, all of sudden music started playing that's when I got butterflies, Gen and Joe walked down first following them was Lucy and Rami then it was gwilym and Ben cousin Rose, then suddenlym here comes the bride plays and roger and I start walking only then everyone stands up looking at me I blushed then I saw Ben on the other side looking confused on why Roger was walking me down the aisle not my parents I finally made it to the alter and roger gave me a kiss on my check I mouth thank you to him as he took his seat "hello, why did roger" he whispered in my ear while the music was still playing "I'll explain later" I whisper back holding his hand "you look absolutely beauti-" he got cut of the pastor I tried my hardest not to laugh and so did Ben we cannot take serious moments serious "I understand that Ben and Caity have written there own vows, Ben you can start" Ben nodded and smiled pulling a piece of paper out "Caitly, I believe in you, the person you will grow to be, and the couple we will be together. With my whole heart, I take you as my wife, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths as you do mine,You are my person, my love and my life, today and always" he started tearing and so did eye I took my thumb and wiped his cheek he smiled "Caity it's your turn" I took out my piece of paper and began reading "Ben Jones hardy. I remember the day we first met. When I was told you were coming along to the birthday dinner Im not going to lie, I was terrified. We had talked a couple of times in chemistry working together as Lab Partners but thought nothing of it. When you first asked me to dance when we alone in the club and I looked into your sparking eyes and I couldn't stop thinking how lucky I was. you made me feel safe within your arms. After coming out a toxic relationship which full on broke me and made me lose trust in men, I thought I would never be loved again. I thought that I would be someone who was unworthy of love. I was hurting. i remember like it was yesterday you coming over to my house after a long night of partying. From the I knew you were the love of my life but I only hoped that was mutual. You have shown me what it is like to be a better person. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done. I will be there for you when your sick, or broken to when were hurting from laughter. As we start our journey on in life we will experience some new and exciting adventures but of course there will be some terrifying ones. I promise to stand by your side and love you no matter what happens. I need you and I love you Ben" I never realised how long my vow was but I loved him so much I started crying he then wiped my tears "do you Ben take Caitlyn to be your wife"
"I do" Ben said smiling at me
"And do you Caitlyn take Ben as your husband"
"I do" I smiled at Ben
"By the power invested in my me I know pronounce Ben and Caitlyn Mr and Mrs Hardy, Ben you may the kiss your bride" Ben ran up to me and kissed me, everyone clapped Ben took my hand and we walked to car to go to our reception but because we had to go in later we had the bridal party stop in a park to take photos which room about 30 minute after that we all went back to the car and went to the reception "Ben you don't know how happy am I right now" he smiled putting my head on his chest as we were in the car "me to Caity" he kissed the top on my head, we made it to the reception and like the gentle man Ben was he is helped me her out of the car by taking my flowers and my hand then fixing my dress "thank you mr hardy" I winked at him grabbing his hand, everyone was in waiting for the arrival of us, but we had a special entrance so the whole bridal party walked in then you can hear from outside "now can we put her hands togther for the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Hardy" the music started playing "are you ready?!" Ben Said has he grabbed my hand " ready" the doors open and we ran in all excited and dancing, then we made our way to the cake, Ben held my waist we both held the knife posing for a photo, and we pushed the knife in the cake he kissed me "want some cake?" He asked me "of course!" I held another slice of cake he fed me some cake and I did the same but I didn't just fed it to him I took some the cream that was inside the cake and put it on his cheek "argh Mrs Hardy" he took some cream and put it on my lips and Cheek, he then kissed me licking all the cream of my lips and cheek, he just took a tissue and wiped his, then all of a sudden love of my life starts playing, Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor and started dancing with me "I love you" he whispered in my ear "i love you too" He twirled me then he pulled me back in for a kiss then soon a whole bunch of golden confetti fell on us. It was now time for the flower throw "ok girls on the count of three, 1 2 3" i threw the flowers "I got it" someone screamed it was Gen she was extremely happy jumping up and down now it was a time for garter removal, I sat on a chair, Joe came over and blindfolded Him, Ben went under my dress trying to get holding onto my leg trying to get it of but he was struggling then I felt his hand going somewhere we're it shouldn't be, he was struggling on purpose he put his hand in my underwear I tried not to move or make a sound soon he took his hand out and then removed my garter but before he came out from under my dresses he kissed my thigh then he came out bringing the garter to my ankle, he took his blindfold of Of and removed it with his hands "I got it" he said all the boys patting his back most of them drunk, then threw the garter to the men only for Joe to Catch it, I though it was funny I think it's fate, Ben helped me up "I hope you enjoyed that" he whispered "oh trust me I did" i kissed him "It can be our little secret" he held my chin bringing me in for a kiss "I see you wore what I bought you"he continued whispering in my ear, his voice sending shivers down my spine "mhm I did" I smile "shall we leave this place, and take this to our hotel" Ben said grabbing my hand, he took the mic "hi everyone thank you all for coming tonight, but it's now time for me and my beautiful wife to leave if you wish please stay and enjoy your self, thanks once again" he grabbed my hand and we ran to our car, he drove us to our hotel, once we go to our floor he opens the door and picked me up bridal style, I started laughing and slapped his chest, he put me on the bed "come on take of your dress, we don't have all night we have to leave tomorrow" he said standing looking over me "oh Ben I'm too tired" I said teasing him, with a smile " he quickly got undressed and I got up and started undressing, I turned around "Ben can you unzip my dress" he stood up kissing my neck and unzipping my dress he started kissing my back he slipped my dress of "your back is so beautiful" he turned me around kissing me "and you look fucking hot in this lingerie, you need to wear this more often, it really turns me own" he pushed me on the bed and he got on top of me removing the clips on my underwear revealing my self to him "I'm so glad I'm married to you" Ben said biting his lip because he made his way down there he kissed my lips and bite my lower lip "ouch" I scream, but I felt nice at the same time "sorry babe" he kissed my lower lip and then making his way down to my stomach then my thighs and then...... "omg Ben!" Being married to him and having sex with him felt so different it felt more romantic more passionate and more amazing because we just committed ourselves to each other.....

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