Chapter 13 - son of a bitch

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Joe's POV
"Rami wait we need to talk!" I run over quickly to the door only for it to be shut in my face "so much for the first day of shooting" I say holding Gen close to me "I'm sure you will do fine Joe! And even you Ben! Your guys are playing Queen for god sake! You guys are so lucky!" Gen says like she I giving us a lecture "I'm sure Rami will be over it Joe I mean he did some horrible stuff to Gen what can you expect!?" Said Ben I agreed with him I'm happy with Gen Rami nor anyone can stop that "well shall we go introduce the girls to Roger and Brian?" I ask Joe grabbing onto Gen's hand "I think we shall!" Said Ben also grabbing Caitlyn's hand.

Rami's POV
I couldn't believe what I had just saw I was in utter shock "ahh I hate that bitch so much she also hurt me i hate her so-" I got cut of by Lucy "Shuuuush" she put her finger on my lips then kissing me! This was a shock to me at first but I just went with it, I've never felt this connection with Gen it felt so different Sparks were flying....

Ben's POV
"Roger!!" I say as I give him a bro hug "Brian" also giving him a bro hug "Joe and I wanted to introduce our girls Caity and Gen" I say Pointing to meet you "Hi, I'm Caity nice to meet you both!"
"Hello, I'm Gen nice to finally meet you" I feel Caity suddenly holding my hand really tight she was really nervous but I knew would make he feel a bit happy so I slowly take my hand a reach for her bottom as we were still talk to Brian and Roger I whispered to her "I hope I made you feel better" she whispered back to me "Ben...." she jokingly tried to be Angry with me but I don't think she could because she was holding in her laughter and so was I "All cast make your way to the live aid set thank you" suddenly said on the speakers "well ladies I guess we have to be heading off" I kiss Caity and she whispers to me "good luck and remember I love you"
"I love you too" I said kissing her again before leaving.

Caitlyn's POV
Gen and I followed a lady who took us to a room that had a sign saying *break room for Ben Hardy and Joe Mazzello * so we could see our boys give it all we got. Soon they start filming I saw nervous for them I couldn't stop staring at Ben and how hot her looked playing the drums, I was so proud of him everyday he had a drum lesson and he has improved so much. Gen and I doze of to sleep because we got bored just watching hours and hours of the same scene, both of us woke up to a large bang only to see our boys have walked in "Awww look Joe I think they got sick of us playing" Said Ben jumping on top of me and tickling me I woke up completely from my sleep now and I could see Joe doing the same to Gen and also seeing her completely awake, "we have a two and a half hour break so we came to take our beautiful girls to our trailers" Ben gave me his   hand a pulled my up and we walked out to his trailer when we go in front of his trailer he lifted me up bridal style opening the door and then dropping me on the bed, Ben always made me feel loved as soon as I knew it Ben was out of his costume and he jumped into bed and the  rest was amazing, we had to stop because I fell asleep I was slightly asleep and I felt on my forehead and that's is all I remember...... Until I hear a knock on the door I woke to find Ben gone he must have gone back to film i our on my pink fluffy robe "IM COMING HOLD ON A SEC!" I open the door and all I remember was Kade that son of a Bitch running through the door and picking up pushing me against the wall I remember trying to push him away because he was hurting me, he took my robe of and tried to kiss me I kept pushing him way he kept pinching me and smacking me so he can get what he wants, I remember seeing so much blood on my arms and legs bleeding from his scratches and my head also slightly bleeding, he was finally done with me he just drops me on the the floor naked covered in blood and leaves, I was freezing I couldn't move I shaking and crying my whole body was hurting and then I pass out.......

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