Seven Beautiful Years

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One year later.

"One year old today! How can this be, Miss Autumn? Daddy never told you to grow up, did he? No he didn't! No he didn't!" Sam tickled the curly haired cutie.

"Your laugh is so sweet! I just love it!" He kisses her cheeks.

"Now, will you say dada?
..Come on, say dada!" He smiles.

Autumn giggles and blows spit bubbles at her father.

"Oh yucky! That's yucky!" Sam jokes.

Just then Jessica walks in.
"What's so funny, guys?"

"Say dada and I are just crackin a few jokes, mommy." Sam spoke in a cute voice.

Jessica giggles as she sits down on the couch.
She smiled down to Autumn who sat on her play mat beside her father.


Jessica gasps.

"What?! Autumn, that wasn't the deal, babe." Sam laughs.

"She said mama! Oh my precious girl!" Jessica quickly picks her up and sits her in her lap.

"That was the cutest little 'Mama' ever!  Soooo.. I guess I'll let it pass." Sam smiles.

"Dada!" Autumn claps.

"She said it! She said my name! Dada! That's me!"

Jessica smiled. "That's you! Oh Autumn, you are so smart, honey!"

Autumn smiled. She was proud of herself as well.

"Now you have to show everyone that at your party! Can you do that, love?" Sam asks, playfully pinching her cheek.

Jessica giggles, then kisses the top of her daughter's head.

"Me next!" Sam smiles.

Jessica giggles and kisses his lips.

"Mmm, strawberry chapstick!  Delicious!" Sam smiles.

"Now give it."

"What?" Jessica smiles, pretending she doesn't know what Sam is talking about.

"That cute little button nose!  It's my favorite!"

Jessica giggles and leans forward.
Sam kisses her nose and smiles.

"You walked in freshman year.. I took one look at you and I knew I had to have you.  A stud even back then!" He smirks.

Jessica laughs.

"I called you Button before I even knew your name.  You were so cute.. so sweet... and extremely shy.  You still are.  Well in public at least.  My button is a freak in the sheets!"

"Stop it!" Jessica laughs as she playfully kicks him.

"Not in front of Autumn!  She understands everything we say." Jessica speaks softly.

Sam smiles at his beautiful baby girl.
"I guess she does.."

Autumn giggles as she chews on her hands.

"My beautiful baby girl!  You look just like mommy!  You have that same little button nose I fell in love with freshman year.." Sam lightly taps her nose.

Of course that only little Autumn giggle even more.  That girl was full of giggles!


Time went on. Autumn grew.. and so did Sam and Jessica. They grew in a way they never thought possible. They grew apart.
After seven beautiful years together, Sam and Jessica broke up.  They still remained great friends, and were great at coparenting.  It hurt both Sam and Jessica that their relationship didn't work out, but they knew that this was for the best.
Together they made a beautiful baby girl who is now two and a half.  There were no regrets on either part.  This was the beginning of a new chapter for the both of them.

Now, the question is; Is it possible to have Two amazing love stories in a lifetime? Only time will tell.

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