Only You

90 13 3

August 12th, 2019.

This morning Jessica woke up in her old bedroom next to her daughters.
Baby Samuel was still sleeping in his bassinet.  Since he was still so little and needed his mother throughout the night, Jessica kept him with her, and Sam stayed at the house with Landon and Theodore.

Today Jessica woke up full of excitement.  She is finally going to be Sam's wife after so many years.

Jessica took a shower, then fed the baby while she called Sam.

"Mmm.. Hello?"

Jessica giggles. "Well good morning, sleepy head!"

"Hey baby.." Sam yawns.

"Hah!  You're so sleepy!  Did you party hard last night?"

"Oh yeah!  Beers, strippers, and loud music all night long!"

Jessica laughs.

"No, actually the boys and I went to Dave and Busters and stayed until they kicked us out!  Then I ordered us a round of ice creams at Mcdonald's!  Their machine was working, I think the apocalypse is coming."

Jessica laughs. "Ooh what a wild last night as a single man!"

Sam chuckles. "It was pretty great!
  How was your evening?"

"Pretty good!  I took the girls to get their nails done.  Even Evie!"

"Aw, really?" Sam laughs.

"Mhm!  She wouldn't stop flaunting around showing everyone her fingers, and little chubby toesies!" Jessica says cutely.

"Oh my goodness!  How cute!"

"Yep!  Then we picked up some pasta, and came back home and watched Frozen.
  Over and over and over again!"

"Oh what fun!"

Jessica laughs. "It was great!
.. I do hate that movie though!"

Sam laughs. "I can't wait to marry you today."

"Me too.  I can't believe that after eighteen years.. we're finally doing what we should have done a long time ago."

"Yep.. I love you."

"I know.  I love you too."


Jessica stood in front of a full length mirror, just staring at herself in her dress, as her daughter's looked at her in awe.

"Wow.. Mommy, you look like a Princess!" Julia smiles.

"Essstha!  Esstha!" Evangelina tries her best to say Elsa.

"You think I look like Elsa?" Jessica giggles.


"You look beautiful." Autumn smiles.

"Thank you, baby."

Dorothy snaps pictures of Jessica and her girls.

"I can't believe I'm getting married.  I get to marry my Prince!" Jessica smiles with tears in her eyes.

"Hey he's MY prince!" Julia makes a face, making her mother laugh.


Sam's POV.

"How are you feeling, dad?"

"Great, Landon!  I'm gonna marry Jessica!" Sam jumps.

"Don't act like a girl." Landon chuckles.

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