Momma's girl

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"Well bye bye, Sim.. we'll be back soon, love.  Girls, say bye to brother?"

"Bye baby brother.." Autumn wipes her cheek.

"Say bye bye, Juju." Jessica waves.

"Aaaahhbbb!" Julia swings her arms.

Jessica giggles and lifts her up in the air.  That of course only made her laugh even more!  Jessica kissed her mouth and said, "You are so full of giggles, aren't you?"

She then smiled at Danny and said, "Let's go home, honey."

Danny smiles and places his hand on her back.


After the drive to Wisconsin, Autumn was hungry, Julia was fussy, and Jessica was exhausted.
Things only got worse when they pulled up in front of the apartment.

"What is this?" Autumn asks.

"Our new home!" Danny smiles.

"This doesn't look like the pictures.
Danny, this is scary!"

Jessica looks around and sighs.
"It's different but um.. it's nice."

"It's not.." Autumn pouts as she looks out the window.

"Oh come on, Autumn! It's not bad! Let's go in." Danny says stepping out of the car.

Autumn hops out and grabs onto Danny's arm.  Meanwhile Jessica gets the fussy baby out of her car seat.

"You're a crabby baby today!  Was this seat not comfortable for your little tushy?" Jessica pats her bottom and kisses the top of her head.

Julia fusses as she arches her back and hits Jessica in the face.

"Hey!  What did mommy do?" She chuckles.

"Car rides aren't her favorite, huh?" Danny asks.

"Nope!" She says as Julia hits her once again.

"Hey, chunker! It wasn't my idea, hit your mean daddy!" Jessica jokes.

"Jessica!" Danny gives her a look.

"I'm just playing." She whispers as she gives him the softest shy smile.

"Come on, we're up here."

After climbing the stairs, Danny opened the door to their new apartment.

"Oh!" Autumn pouts.

"Go in, honey, it's hot out here." Jessica lightly pats her back.

The baby then begins to cry.
"Ooh and she is not happy!  Are you getting sick, little one?" Jessica looks down as she rubs Julia's back.

"She's probably got gas." Danny says.

"Are you gassy, Juju?" Jessica giggles and kisses the top of her head.

Julia fusses loudly swings her arms.
"Oh she's feisty today!"

The three of them walk around.  Autumn was obviously upset, and Jessica tried her best to keep everyone happy.

"Autumn, why don't you go check out your room?" Jessica suggests.

Without saying a word Autumn left the room.
Jessica sighed as Danny ran his hand across her back.

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