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"Sam, do you think I made the right decision?"

"Absolutely! First of all; if he wanted them today, he should have spoken to you at least a week in advance.
We have a schedule and he can't come in and just throw Theo and Juju off.
Second; after the way he treated them the last time, he shouldn't even dare asking you for them at all!
So don't worry. You made a great decision."

"Thanks.. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid." Jessica sighs.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know.. Well have you ever seen that Katey Sagal movie where her ex husband kidnaps their kids?"

"No. But don't worry, that's not gonna happen!"

"You should watch it, it's a good movie."

Sam chuckles and kisses her cheek.
"We can have a movie night later."

"Mmmm.. We can have a movie night that leads to sexy time.." Jessica smiles softly.

"Oh I like the sound of that!" Sam says pulling her body against his.

"Ahh!" Evangeline screams.

Jessica is quickly taken from her sexy mood.  She then chuckles and lays her forehead against Sam's chest.

"That little one is gonna ruin it for us, isn't she?" Sam asks making Jessica laugh.

"She might!"

"She's the best form of birth control."

"Mhm!" Jessica laughs.


A few hours later Sam, Jessica, and the kids all went over to Sam's parent's house for a day with the family.

"I can't believe how big Evangeline is getting!" Sam's sister says lightly bouncing the five month old.

"I know! She's gonna be tall, I just know it! Look how long her legs are already! Juju was a midget at this age compared to her!" Jessica giggles.

"Hey I not a midget! I am mini sized, and I is cute!"

Jessica laughs. "That's true, baby girl. You sure are!"

"I IS!"

Sam laughs and nods his head.

"Shammy tink I is funny," Julia says to her future aunt.

"You are funny, Juls."

"I know that, daddy! I got jokes." She shrugs.

"Wow, she is so quick, isn't she?" Sam's sister Jane says.

"She is." Jessica laughs.


One hour later.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Theodore runs over as fast as he can.

"What buddy?"


"They're playing catch. You might be to old for that, dad." Landon says to his father.
Jessica couldn't help but crack up.

"I think you're right, Landon. He probably is too old!"

"You little stinker!" Sam says to Jessica.

"Tinker!" Theodore laughs.

"Mommy is a stinker, huh, Theo?"

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