Best Friends

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Autumn woke when she heard a faint cry coming from down the hall.

She noticed it was her mother, so she got out of bed and walked over to her room. She lightly knocked on the door.


"Oh I'm sorry, honey!  Mommy's okay.. go back to bed, baby."

"Let me in!  You're not okay."

Jessica stood up from the bed and walked over to let her in.

"What's wrong?" Autumn asks.

Jessica shook her head as tears continued to roll down her cheeks.

Autumn walked in and shut the door behind her.
"Where's Danny?"

"He um.. he went to work."

"It's midnight."

"There was an emergency."

Autumn sat down and patted the bed beside her.
"Sit down, momma."

Jessica sat beside her and Autumn gave her a beautiful smile. She then wrapped her arms around her and Jessica laid her head on her daughter's shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong. I just want you to be okay. And I want my baby brother or sister to be okay." Autumn pats Jessica's stomach.

Jessica smiles softly. "I love you, baby."

"I love you more, mommy."

"Whatever it is, it's not worth it.  Feel how much this baby is kicking right now, they're saying to stop crying and let them sleep!"

Jessica couldn't help but laugh.
"I'll stop.. you're right."

"Of course I am!"

Jessica giggles and kisses Autumn's forehead.

"I'm gonna sleep with you just to make sure you actually get some rest."

"You are an angel, Autumn Rae."

Autumn smiles and says, "I am."

Jessica laughs. "I'm just going to use the restroom and I'll be back."



Finally Jessica was asleep.  Autumn laid on her side and watched her mother sleeping peacefully, with one hand resting on her belly.

"God.. no matter what's happening.. Just please watch over my mom.  She's the most incredible person I know.  She deserves to be happy."

Autumn then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning Jessica woke up and dressed the kids.  She planned to give them the best Thanksgiving she could.

"Alright kids! Mommy made lots of yummy food, so eat up!"

"YAY!" Julia claps. "Mama, where's dada?"

"Uhm.. honey, he'll be here later. Let's eat, okay?"

"We save some for dada?"

"Yeah, baby. We'll save him some food."

Autumn watched Jessica and saw her trying hiding so much pain. She knew Danny wasn't at work. She was older and she understood. She knew something wasn't right.

Autumn decided to wait until after they ate to bring it up to her mother.


"Teo gots mashed potatoes on him!" Julia laughs and points to her brother.

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