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"Sammy, I want to marry you now!  Let's just go out and do it tomorrow!" Jessica says with the happiest smile on her face.

Sam chuckles. "As much as I would love to officially be yours tomorrow, I want to have a wedding.  I want to finally see you walking down that aisle towards Me. No one else.  I want everyone to see you and think, Wow she's stunning! Sam is one lucky bastard!"

Jessica laughs.

"I want to stand in front of everyone and dance to our favorite song." Sam sighs and continues. "I want people to envy us, is that wrong?"

Jessica laughs and nods her head.
"No, that isn't wrong!  You and I have both been to hell and back, it's about time we have our happiness."

"You are right about that, future Mrs. Shepard."

"Ooh I love the way that sounds!"

"Me too." Sam smiles softy before leaning in to kiss his future bride's lips.

"Oh God, no more kissing please!" Julia looks up to her parents in disgust.

"Oh you shut it!" Jessica laughs and playfully taps her on the head.

Jessica then turns back to Sam as she giggles.  Sam smiles and kisses her adorable little nose. "You are one cute lady, Button!"

"Thanks!" Jessica says in a cute voice.


Later that evening.
Sam sat in bed reading when he heard Jessica walk in from the bathroom.


"Heyyyy- Oh my gosh, you're naked!" Sam's eyes light up.

Jessica laughs.
"I'm ready to be eaten and stuffed!"

"Oh I am beyond ready!"

Jessica once again laughs as Sam rushes to take his clothes off.

Being with Sam makes Jessica feel beautiful. With him she doesn't worry about her body. She doesn't worry about anything! When she was with Danny he made her self conscious about everything. Sam doesn't. Sam makes her want to celebrate everything about her beautiful baby making body!


4th of July.

Sam and Jessica have decided on a date for their wedding, and it is in the near future.
August 12th.  The 18th anniversary of the first time Sam and Jessica met.

Today Sam, Jessica, and the kids are spending the day with the Shepard's.


"Hello!  My beautiful little babies!  Come in, come in!  Look at you all!  You look like you've been kissed by the sun!"

"Now that's just stupid, Mimi." Julia nods. Her face completely straight.

"Juju!" Jessica taps her.

Jane laughs and turns to her son who held baby Samuel.

"Oh!  Give mimi that baby!"

"He might be pooped." Jessica says.

"Well that's okay, I can change him!  It's not yucky, all he eats is mommy milk!" Jane laughs.

"Guess again, Mimi!  Samuel has some nasty diapers!" Julia says with her usual sassy attitude.


"Ahhhh!  DADA!" Evangeline turns the corner and runs to her father.

"Ahhhh!  DADA!" Evangeline turns the corner and runs to her father

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