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The morning of April 20th.

Jessica was six weeks pregnant and had just woken up to start her day taking care of the kids.
Even though it's her birthday, the schedule remained the same.

The kids were still unaware of their new little sibling in their mother's tummy. Their parents planned on telling them later that day.

While preparing breakfast and taking care of the two you her kids, Jessica had a light pain in her lower abdomen.

"Ooh, Ouch.." Jessica takes a deep breath and softly rubs her stomach.

"You kay, Mama?"

"Yeah, Juju, I'm okay."

"Okay, Mama!"

Jessica went on with what she was doing and the pain soon went away.

Around lunch time the pain returned, and this time around the pain was a lot worse than before.

"Danny, my stomach hurts really bad!" Jessica grabs his arm.

"What's wrong? You feel sick?"

"Somethings not right, we need to go to the hospital."

"Okay, let's go!"

Jessica's parents were there visiting, so they left the kids with them and told them they would be right back.

Danny called Jessica's doctor and told them they were on their way. The whole drive over Jessica was in tears. She had a gut feeling of what was to come. She knew her body, and she knew something was seriously wrong.


They immediately brought Jessica back and started an ultrasound.

The nurse scanned over her belly and asked, "Did your doctor mention twins to you by any chance?"

"Twins?! No! Is it twins?" Jessica's face lit up.

"Yes ma'am."

Jessica gasps. "Are they okay?"

The nurse looks at the screen and doesn't say a word.

"Are they okay?" Jessica slightly raises her voice.

The woman turns to Jessica and says, "Ma'am.. I am so so sorry."

Jessica's heart broke in that moment.
Danny wrapped his arm around her and Jessica immediately began crying.

"My babies.."

"I know, honey, I'm so sorry."

"We were having twins, Danny!" Jessica says as a sob escapes her lips.

"We can try again, it's okay."

"Danny, they're gone!"

Danny sighs and rubs her back.


Once they returned home, Danny told Albert and Dorothy what happened.

"Danny, is mom okay?" Autumn asks.

"She's okay.. she's just changing then we'll go in the room so she can talk to you kids."


Soon Jessica was ready and Danny and the kids went in.

"Momma, are you crying?"

Jessica sniffles and gives Autumn a soft smile.
"Yeah.. Come sit. Hand me my boy." She takes him from Danny and sits him in her lap.

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