My Prince

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*Phone rings.*



"Hey Danny, it's Jess."

"Jessica!  Hi..
  What's up?"

"Daniel, I called to ask you to do me one last favor."


"I want you to sign over your rights to Sam.  I want Sam to adopt Julia and Theodore."


Of course Jessica didn't want him to fight her, but the fact that he was unfazed by it all, broke her heart.  How can he just give up his kids so easily?

"Alright.  Well thank you for.. doing one thing right for your kids."

"I'm doing what you want, Jessica.  No need to get ugly."

"Whatever.  Goodbye, Daniel."


Jessica hung up the phone, and let her tears roll down.

Sam had been standing outside of the room listening, so when he heard her crying, he let himself in.

"Baby, you okay?"

"I'm fine.  He's gonna do it.  He had no problem with the idea.  All he said was Okay."


"Yeah.  I'm thankful he isn't fighting me, but it hurts to know he'll just give up his kids that easily."

"I don't understand that.  I'd rather die than to hand over my kids."

Jessica turns to Sam and holds his cheeks. "I'm so happy you're going to officially be their daddy.  Juju and Teddy love you so much, Sam!"

"I love them too." Sam smiles softly. "Very very much."


A few days later, Jessica took Theodore and Julia out for lunch, to discuss everything that was going to happen.  Kid friendly, of course.

"Mmmm.. Yum, Yum, Yum!  Are you loving your food, Theo?  Cause I sure am!" Julia says stuffing her mouth.

"It yummyyyy!" Theodore smiles.

"I'm glad you like it, guys!  Teddy, most of your food is on your face and clothes, I'm surprised any is even making it into your belly!"

"It in there, mama!" Theodore speaks to his mother in a serious tone, as he pokes his stomach.

"Oh good!" Jessica giggles.

"You guys?
  How would you like for Sam to be your daddy?  Legally!"

"Momma, that's what I asked you to do, remember?"

"Yes, I know." Jessica laughs. "Daddy and I figured things out and.. Daniel will no longer be in the picture.. not that he ever was but.."

"Daaaaniel.. The dirt bag!" Julia punches her fist into her small palm.

"Julia!" Jessica couldn't help but laugh.

"WELL!  Am I wrong, momma?"

"No, you are not wrong, Juju." Jessica laughs and nods her head.

"Mommy, Teddy doesn't understand!" Julia says with a worried look on her face as she rubs Theodore's back.

"I know.. I think he kinda blocks Danny out.. The only man he has seen as a father is daddy.  Sam is a superhero to Teddy."

"Mommy, daddy IS a superhero!" Julia says in a very serious tone.

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