No more tears

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Sam and the guys returned to the house.
Dorothy was consoling both girls who were in tears.

"Shammy!  You kay?" Julia asks with tears just pouring down her face.

"Yeah Princess, I'm okay!  Sammy's strong, a little wimpy punch can't hurt him!" Sam smiles.

Julia breaks away from her grandmother and runs to Sam.  Sam kneels down and wraps his arms around her tiny body.

"No more tears, little one.  Sammy is okay!"

"I lub you, Sham."

"I love you so much more, pretty girl!"

"And you too, Auttie.. and you too, Theo!"

Theodore giggles and jumps with excitement.
Sam chuckles and gives each one a hug.

"Now I'm gonna go check on mommy, okay?"

"Daddy, your nose looks bad." Autumn says handing him a towel.

"I'll ice it, I'll be fine.  Be back in a second, kids."

Sam walked into Albert and Dorothy's bedroom where he found Jessica sitting on the foot of the bed in tears.

"Oh Jessie, don't cry."

"Sam, I'm so sorry!"

"Hey it's okay! It's gonna take a lot more to knock me down, hun! I'm fine." Sam smiles as he sits down beside her.

He places a hand on her back and Jessica holds his cheeks. She takes the towel and gently dabs the blood that slowly ran down.

"Oh sweetie.. look what he did to you."

"Ah this is nothing! You should see him!"

"You hit him?!" Jessica smiles.

"I kinda did!"

"Oh my gosh! Well good! Was it fun?"


"Did you knee him in the balls?"

"No.. Next time."

"Yeah!" Jessica laughs.

".. Thank you for sticking up for me, Sammy."

"Of course! I'll always stick up for you, Jess."

Jessica smiles and gives him a hug.
"Now let's get some ice on that nose, my big protector." She rubs his back.

"Ice would be nice." Sam smiles.

"Nice one. Sammy." Jessica chuckles.



"Sam, you bought way to much for my two and the baby. I told you I was only buying them a few things."

"I know but I wanted you to save your money and let me take care of everything!"

"I really wish you weren't so nice."

"Why?" Sam chuckles.

"Because I feel bad!"

"Oh enough of that!  Let's go wake the kids."

"Help me up!" Jessica lifts her hand.

Sam laughs and grabs her hand.

"Ugh! Thank you! Getting down there was a mistake!"

"Heh!  I kinda thought that when you sat down, but by that time it was too late."

Jessica laughs and runs her hand over the front of her bump.

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