Special little girl

157 13 7

"Five pounds, eleven ounces!"

"Aw she's little!" Jessica squeals.

Danny stood beside the baby as they weighed her.
Meanwhile Julia was all smiles.

"Have you ever seen a baby just minutes old smile as much as she is?" Danny asks.

"Nope!" The nurse responds. "Never! She's one special little girl."

Danny kisses the baby and smiles.
"Yes she is!"

"Yes she is!"

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Sam's POV.

"Daddy, can we please call mommy and Danny? I'm so nervous for my baby sister!"

"Honey, we called just a little while ago and Danny said everything was fine."

"But daddy!" She whines.

"Autumn, I promise you everything is fine."

"But you can't promise that! What if she dies like Simba?"

Sam sighs and sits down on the couch.
"Come sit, Autumn."

Autumn walks over and sits on her father's lap.

"Sweetheart, what happened with Simba is not going to happen with your sister."

"How do you know?"

"Because your little brother will make sure she makes it here safely."

Autumn looks down as tears fill his eyes.
"I just don't want to see my mommy that sad ever ever again."

"You won't, baby. Of course the loss of Simba will forever be with you guys.. but this little baby will be great for all of you. She'll put smiles on everyone's faces. I know it!"

Sam wipes her tears and kisses her nose.
Autumn wraps her arms around him and says, "I love you, daddy!"

"I love you more, Auttie."

Just then Megan walks in with his cell phone.
"Hey Sam, Jess is on the phone."

"My mommy?!" Autumn lights up.

Sam chuckles and takes the phone.
"Hey Jess! How's it going?"

"Great! She's here!"

"She's here!" Sam repeats to Autumn.

"She's here! My baby sister is here!"

Sam chuckles at his daughter's excitement.
"That's great! Congratulations, Jessie!"

"Thank you! We're in a new room now so you can bring her over after she has breakfast."

"She's already had breakfast. This girl has been up for hours!" He laughs.

"Oh wow! Well then, whenever you have time, bring her you over!"

"We'll be right there."




After arriving at the hospital, Sam and Autumn were met by Danny in front of Jessica's room.

"Danny!" Autumn runs over and hugs him tightly.

"Hey!  You ready to meet your baby sister?"

"Yes!  Can my daddy come too?!"

Danny looks up to Sam with a bit of a mean look in his eyes.

"Oh Autumn, I'll meet her later.  You go in and see her.  Tell your mom I said congratulations."

"I will!" Autumn smiles.
She then hugs her father and walks into the room.

"Congratulations, Dan." Sam smiles.

Danny nods and follows Autumn.
Sam sighs.  He looks at Jessica's name on the door, touches it very softly, then walks away.


Walking in and seeing her mother holding her baby sister made tears spring to Autumn's eyes.

"Hi princess!" Jessica smiles.

"Hi mommy!  Baby sister.. she's here!" Autumn says in a loud whisper.

"She is!  Come here so you can meet her."

Autumn walks over and sits beside her mother.

"Autumn.. this is Julia Summer."

"Julia?" She smiles.

"Oh wow, that's so pretty!  And Summer!  Autumn and Summer!" Autumn giggles. "I love it!"

Jessica giggles and hands her the baby.
"Watch her head.."

"She's so perfect!  She looks like me, mommy!" Autumn smiles.

"Haha!  She does, doesn't she?"

"Yeah!  Oh my gosh.. Hi pretty girl!
I'm so happy I get to meet you.. I get to hold you and see your little eyes.. Oh mommy, I'm so happy!  I have a baby sister!  Thank you!" Autumn cries softly.

"Aw baby girl!" Jessica hugs her while crying as well.

"I love her so much already!"

Jessica smiles and softly caresses the back of her finger on the baby's little hand.
"She loves you too."


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