Say Goodbye

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A few hours later.

"Jessica, you need to go home.  You need to rest." Dorothy says to her daughter.

"No.  I'm staying!  I don't want to leave him."

"These chairs are uncomfortable.  You need to sleep in your bed."

"I'm not leaving him."

"Okay." Dorothy sighs.

"How about we leave for just a couple hours.  You need a shower, baby."

Jessica turns and gives her mother an irritated look.

"I'm sorry, but you do!  Besides, the kids are asking about you."

"Fine.  But I'm coming right back!  I don't want him to be by himself."

"We'll stay until you get back, Jess." Roberta chimed in.

"Okay.. I'll hurry!"

"It's okay, take your time, hun."


Jessica's parents house.

"This is crazy, those poor kids!   And that fucking bastard!  Excuse my language Daddy, but what the fuck was he thinking doing this to Sam?"

"I don't know." Albert sighs.

"They've all finally calmed down..
Juju blurting it out wasn't the way Jessica wanted them to find out, I'm sure."

"Definitely not."


Earlier that day.

Julia woke up and looked around.  Beside her she saw her aunt.

"Auntie Annie!  Auntie Annie!" She screams as she climbs on top of her.

"What, Juju?"

"My daddy!  Is he alive?!"

"Yes honey.  He's still at the hospital, but he's alive."

"I want my other daddy to die!"

"Julia, don't speak that way."

"I do, Auntie!  I don't want to ever see him again!"

"I know, baby.."

Julia then climbs off of her aunt, and slides of the side of the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry!" Julia shouts, running down the hall.

Ann chuckled softly and laid her head back.

"Guys!" Julia shouts, running into the room all the kids were in.

"Julia?  JULIA!" Autumn gasps before running over and picking her little sister up.

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