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"I can't believe daddy finally knows something!" Julia said in the little little voice.

Jessica, Sam, and Dorothy laugh.

"Yes, daddy knows something!  Now come back to me, Sammy!  I need more hugs!" Jessica smiles and holds her arms out.

Sam chuckles and kisses Julia's cheek.  He then walks over and hugs Jessica tightly.
"I love you, beautiful girl."

"I love you more, Sammy." Jessica's eyes filling with tears.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me.. Thank you for not giving up.. You never once Hesitated."

Jessica then cries a bit harder when same throws a reference in from their song.

"Thank you for loving me even when I wasn't very nice to you.  You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, and I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

Jessica grabs Sam's face and smiles as tears roll down her cheeks.
"I so wish we could have sex right now!"

Sam laughs. "Me too, Button!"

"I just love you!  Kiss me, Shepard!"

Sam smiles. "I'd love to, Lange."

"YAY!" Julia claps her hands, cheering her parents on.
"I think this means we should have cake to celebrate!"

"Mmmm!  YUMMYYYYY!" Theodore claps.

Sam and Jessica chuckle.
"I love that idea!" Jessica agrees.

"Grandma Dottie is on it!" Dorothy rushes to the kitchen.

"That old lady is the best I've ever met!" Julia says pointing towards the kitchen.

"Juju!" Sam laughs. "Be nice!"

"Oh don't you start!  You just got back!"

Jessica laughs and nods her head.
"You are crazy, Julia Summer!"


One month later.

"You're one month old today, aren't you, Sam Sam?"

"Baaaa?" Evangeline points to her baby brother.

"Yeah, it's brother!  You wanna give him kisses?"

"No!" Evangeline purses her lips runs out of the room, making Jessica laugh.

Jessica then went on to feed Samuel, and right after he was finished, Theodore joined them.

"Hey baby!"


"Teddy, where are your hearing aids and glasses?"

Theodore looks up to his mother with his cute little crooked eyes.

Jessica smiles and sits hit beside her and the baby.


"Yeah, it's baba!  Honey, you at least need your glasses on so you can see."

"Baba!" Theodore shouts again.

"Mom, he can't hear you!" Julia rolls her eyes.

"Oh right!  Baby, will you please ask daddy to bring me his glasses?"

Julia sighs. "Fine.  I guess I'll stop coloring and get up."

"Thank you, Juju."

"Yeah, yeah."

Jessica chuckles and looks down to Theodore.
She softly takes his chin, then begins signing.

Theodore squints and looks closely at his mother's hands.

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