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"I have to talk to the kids.. how do I tell them?"

"I wouldn't tell them the whole story.  Not the little ones at least."

Jessica nods. "Yeah.. I'll talk to them tonight."

Sam rubs her back and kisses her forehead.

Just then Autumn walks out.

"Hey Auttie." Jessica quickly wipes her cheeks.

"What's wrong?"


"I'm not a baby. Tell me what happened."

Jessica swallowed hard and Sam gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"I'll give you some space."

Jessica held his hand even tighter and pulled him towards her.
"No! Stay, please."

"I put the babies in the play pen so they wouldn't get into anything."

"Smart girl." Sam smiles.

"Thanks. Now what happened?"

Jessica takes a deep breath.
"Danny has this whole other life we never even knew about. He has a son.. and the woman he's seeing is pregnant again."

"What?!" Autumn's eyes went wide.


"Wow.. I know I'm not allowed to curse but, he's an ass, mommy."

"Yeah.. I'm going to talk to Juju later.. Theo doesn't understand, but Julia knows somethings wrong."

"You're gonna tell her all that?"

"No! No, I'm just going to tell her he left. I can't lie and tell her he's coming back."

"Poor babies.. I'm glad I have the best daddy in the world." Autumn smiled and hugged her father tightly.

"Aww.. Thanks." Sam kissed the top of her head.

Jessica watched them in tears as she held her belly.
"Jessie, it's okay. I know what he's done is terrible, and I cannot even imagine how you must feel right now. But your kids are here. You got one bakin in there." Sam pokes her bump.
"Everyone is healthy and in a safe place. We can get through this."

Jessica nods her head.
"Yeah.. thank you, Sam."

"Of course, Button."

Jessica chuckles softly.
She then rubs her belly and says, "This little one has had enough excitement for one day.  Mommy needs to calm down, huh?" Jessica looks down as she speaks to her bump.

"Yes, let's all go inside and Momma, you put your feet up and rest."

"Thanks, Sammy."



"Hey Juju.." Jessica says walking into the room with Theodore on her hip.

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