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Danny, Jessica and the girls traveled to Minnesota and stayed with her parents for Thanksgiving.
Things were always so much better in Minnesota, so Jessica felt so much more at ease.

"I wish you would let me help, momma.  All you girls are in here and you won't let me lift a finger!" Jessica says walking through the kitchen.

"Jessie, you sit down, you're cooking up baby in there!  Let us handle the turkey!" Ann chuckles.

Jessica giggles and rolls her eyes.
"I'm fine!"

"Sit down and lift your feet."

"All I've done is sit.  My ass hurts!"

Dorothy chuckles and walks over to her daughter.
"What is this baby?" She please her hands on each side of Jessica's bump.

"Mom, I told you I don't know." Jessica chuckles.

"I feel like you do, Jessica Phyllis!" Dorothy narrows her eyes on her.

"I don't, Ma! I promise." Jessica smiles sweetly.

"I think it's a girl." Ann says as Danny walks in.

"Who's calling my son a girl?"

Jessica laughs and looks lovingly to Danny.
"Danny thinks it's a boy."

"No, I know it's a boy!" He smiles.

"I don't know, I've been trying to compare my pregnancies to see if I can figure it out, and I can't! Simba was wild!  I mean totally insane." Jessica chuckles.
"This baby barely moves.  It scared me when Simba would move so much, and now it scares me when this baby doesn't move!  I'm just scared for everything!" Jessica rolls her eyes.

Danny smiles and rubs his big strong hands on her back.

"I mean we'll talk to the baby, and nothing!  Sim used to dance like crazy!  Danny would sing to him and.." Jessica gets choked up. "He'd wiggle his little booth around in there.  Silly boy.."

Danny wraps his arms around her from the back.
He kisses her head and tries his best to comfort her.

"Aw, baby Simba.." Jane pouts.

"We need to stop, I can't handle this right now." Jessica wipes her cheeks.

Danny rubs her belly and says, "He's still with us, baby.  Don't be sad."

"I know he is.." Jessica looks up and smiles softly.
Danny pecks her lips and pats the side of her belly.

"You know what we can talk about?" He says.

"What?  Baby names?" Jessica smiles.

"Yes!  I want Daniel if it's a boy." Danny says.
"Jessica doesn't like it."

"No!  He needs his own name! Plus you named Julia." She shrugs.

"That's true.. why don't you tell them the names you have in mind?" Danny chuckles.

"He doesn't like them!" Jessica makes a face and playfully taps his hand.

"I like Evangeline and Theodore." She smiles.

"That's rather posh!" Ann smiles.

"I love those names so much!  Oh my gosh, can it please be twins?!" Jane asks.

"Hah!  It's just one, Janie!" Jessica giggles.

"Evangeline is okay.. a bit much, but okay.  But Theodore?  No!  Not my son!"

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