I love him

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August 24th.

Jessica has not seen or spoke to Danny in two weeks.
She's tried calling and texting him, but has yet to get a response.

Of course she's upset and all she wants is to at least hear from him, but she has Autumn, herself and her new little baby to take care of now.

As of now, the only ones that know about the baby are Sam and Sarah.  Both are absolutely furious with Danny.

Today Sam is dropping Autumn off at Jessica's place.


"Hi baby! Did you have fun at daddy's?"

"Yes! So much fun!"


Sam smiles softly then says, "Autumn, why don't you take your stuff to your room?"

"Okay! Be right back, guys!"

Jessica chuckled as she watched her carry her little bag down the hall.



"How are you?"

Jessica takes a deep breath and says, "I'm okay."

"Still not a word?"

"No." She nods.

Sam scoffs. "Are you gonna tell Autumn?"

"I want to.. I just don't know what to say about Danny. That is exactly why I didn't want to start dating in the first place. If he's gone, he's not just leaving me, he's leaving her and now the baby—" Jessica says as she begins to cry.

Sam walked over and took her in her arms.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't want to make you upset."

"I just want to be happy. I want him to walk in here and say he's sorry. I'll give him a second chance, Sam.  I just want him back!"

"Jessica, you don't need him!  There's someone out there for you.. Danny isn't him."

Jessica pulls away from Sam and wipes her cheeks.
"No, that's not true. I love him, Sam."

"I just want you to be in a loving relationship."

"I am, he's just in shock.  We'll be okay.. We have to to be."


Two weeks later.

Jessica is now twelve weeks pregnant.
Today she is planning on telling Autumn about the baby.


"Yes, baby?"

"Where's Danny?"

"Oh.. he's been working a lot, honey."

"Does he not like us anymore?"

"No pretty girl, he loves us!"

"Oh.. okay."

Jessica smiles then asks, "Is your breakfast okay?"

"Mhm! It's great, momma!"

"Good! Hey Autumn.."

"Yeeeessss?" Autumn gives Jessica a funny smile.

Jessica giggles and says, "I have to tell you something. I think you're going to be very happy."

"Oh boy! What is it, mommy?!" Autumn clasps her hands together and smiles big.

Jessica smiles and says, "I'm gonna have a baby."

"What?!" Autumn's eyes went wide.
"You have a baby in your tummy?!"

"I do! Isn't that exciting?"

"Yeah! Oh my gosh, I'm going to have another baby brother, or a baby sister! This is so cool!"

"I'm so glad you're happy!"

"I can't wait, mommy! I'm gonna be a big sister! AGAIN!"


A few days later.

Autumn is in bed, and Jessica is in her pajamas watching a movie on the couch.
She heard her phone ping so she picked it up and looked at the message.  It was from Danny.

*I'm an ass, I know.*

Jessica took a deep breath and messaged back.

*Is this your way of apologizing?*

*No.. open your door.*

Jessica stood up and walked over to the front door.
When she opened it, there he was.
Standing in the pouring rain.
Danny and Jessica both paused for a moment.

"I'm sorry." Danny said.

Jessica didn't say a word, instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

Danny held her waist and kissed her back.

"I'm so so sorry."

"You hurt me, Danny." Jessica cries softly.

"I know, and I never ever want to hurt you again."

"Please don't.." Jessica spoke in a whisper against his lips.

Danny kissed her once again, then looked down and placed his hand on her stomach.

Jessica took a deep breath in and closed her eyes.

"Do you have a bump already?" He asked.

"A small one." Jessica chuckled and lifted her blouse for him to see.

"Oh wow.. you do."

Jessica looks up to him and smiles softly.
"Please don't ever do this to me again."

"I promise." Danny says taking her in his arms.

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