Best Friend

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"What kind of day is this? I lost my wife and my daughter just an hour apart. How do I move on? How do I tell the kids?"

"I'll be right by your side.
.. Unless you want to be alone. I understand."

"No! Please don't go, I need you, Jess."

Jessica nods. "I'll stay."

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome. Sam, I've never lost a spouse, but.. I have lost a child. I know what you're going through."

"You do. I think that's why I feel like I need you by my side. You're the only one that understands this pain."

Jessica nods as tears fill her eyes.
"It's horrible.. and I hate that you're going through this. No one should Ever go through this!"

"No.. and I'm sorry you had to."

"Thanks.. I do find comfort in knowing Megan is there with him.. and that he has a new friend.. I always think that he's alone somewhere. I know the family that went before him are there.. but that thought has never left my mind since he's been gone.
Now knowing he has someone there that will love him.. and knowing that a sweet baby girl is there to be his little buddy.. that does bring me peace."

Sam looks at Jessica in tears.
"Yeah.. at least they have each other."

Jessica sighs and says, "I remember Megan telling me she would watch after him.. she's such a sweet woman."

"She is. One of the best."


That evening.

"How do I tell them, Jess? Autumn has already lost so much. Landon.. he's just a little boy, he doesn't understand."

"I'm here, Sam."

Sam and Jessica sat the kids down and told them the news. Autumn was sobbing uncontrollably. Landon was upset, but of course he didn't fully understand.

Autumn cried and cried until she fell asleep in Jessica's arms.
Landon had calmed down, but was very clingy with Sam.

"I can't go upstairs.. I can't sleep there. The nursery is there.. I hate even being in this house!"

"I understand.  I stayed at my parents house after Simba passed.  It's hard.
..Why don't sleep in the guest room tonight? 

"I probably will.  Even that though.. she decorated everything in this house.."

"She did very well. You guys have a beautiful home."

"Thank you."

Just then Jessica's cellphone rang.

"Sorry, it's Danny."

"It's fine."

"Hello?" Jessica answered.

"Hey baby. How's Autumn?"

Jessica sighs. "She's asleep now. She's not doing well."

"Damn. I'm sorry."

"This sucks."

"Yeah.. are you feeling okay?"

"Just exhausted."

"Little man actin up?"

"Little man? What if it's a girl, you butt?" Jessica laughs.

"I still stand with boy."

Jessica laughs. "Anyway, yeah he or she is wearing me out! But it's okay.. I can take it."

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