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April 21st.

"There you go, Theo.. eat up, baby." Jessica spoke in a soft voice as Theodore ate.

Jessica softly ran the back of her fingers over his tiny ears. Jessica then snapped her fingers to see if he'd flinch.

Theodore lifted his eyes up to his mother, making her laugh. "Did you hear that, baby? Can you hear mommy's voice?
.... if not, that's okay! Mommy will learn sign language, and we can get you some hearing aids.. it'll be okay." Jessica smiles and kisses his cheek.

She then takes a deep breath in and pats his bottom.
"Now, tonight you are going to be with grandma and grandpa. You're gonna be a good boy, right?
.. Of course you are! You're always a good boy!
And mommy will be back for your many many mid night feedings!"Jessica giggles and kisses his head.


"He's out, mom. There's milk in the fridge.
Autumn is fine, Julia can be a little pain to get to bed, but if you give her some milk, she's fine!
Ah, why am I so nervous?" Jessica touches her stomach.

"Because this is your first date in years!"

"Mom, please! It's not a date, it's dinner!
Plus I'm married!"

"Don't remind me" Dorothy rolls her eyes.

"Mom!  I know he's an ass but.. he's working on it."

"You can't change that drastically, Jessie."

"Alright, enough.  I hear Sam's car, I'll be back."

"Ooh he's picking you up?" Dorothy smiles.


"I'm sorry!  I just feel like we're back in your high school days!  Sam picking you up in his father's old truck.  Me thinking it was all innocent, you probably spreading your legs in the back seat."

"Oh Jesus, mom!" Jessica laughs and covers her face.

"It's okay because I got a grandchild out of it!"

"Hah!  And she's pretty great too, huh?"

"Yep!  She's the best." Dorothy smiles.

Sam then rings the doorbell and Dorothy gasps.
"He's here!" She says as exciting as a teenaged girl.

"Chill, mom." Jessica chuckles before walking towards the door.

"Hey Sam!" She smiles.

"Hi! You look beautiful!"

"Thank you, you so handsome." Jessica smirks.

"Hah, thanks! Let's get going! Oh wait! Hello, Mrs. Dee!"

"Hello, Samuel! You kids have fun!"

"We will! Call me if you need anything, Ma."

"I will! Jessie!" Dorothy says that last part in a loud whisper.


"Show some more cleavage!"


"I'm just trying to help!"

"Just watch my kids, please! Christ!"


"So what's going on? How are you? I never see you anymore without a baby attached to you." Sam chuckles.

"Right?! I'm doing well! Recovery this time around has not been very fun, but the doctor says I'm healing nicely."

"That's good! You were pretty busted up." Sam makes a painful face.

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