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December 6th.
Julia's 1st Birthday.

"Happy Birthday, pretty girl!"


"Yeah, it's mama! Oh baby, you're one year old today!  Aw my little love!" Jessica baby talks.

"Mama!" Julia giggles as Jessica cuddles her.

"I love you, baby girl!" She kisses her cheek.

Julia babbles before crashing her open mouth into Jessica's cheek.

"Oh!" She laughs. "Aw baby, I love your sweet kisses!
Let's go see daddy."

Jessica takes her to the kitchen where Danny was having his breakfast.

"Hi baby!  Happy Birthday!"

Last week Julia learned how to say, Dada.  That of course made Danny very happy.

"Are you ready for your birthday breakfast?  Mommy made us some good food today!"

Julia claps her hands with excitement.

Jessica chuckles and walks over to take a seat.

"You okay, baby?"

"Yeah, my back just hurts a little."

"Aw I'm sorry.  Want me to rub it for you?"

"No it's okay, I have a lot to do before we leave.  I'm fine.. thanks though."

"You're welcome!" Danny gives her a smile.


Julia's party was being held at Albert and Dorothy's house later on that day.

After their drive to Minnesota, Julia was completely out!

Autumn had been at Sam's the last week, so he brought her to the party.

"Mommy, I'm here!"

"Hey baby girl! I missed you!" Jessica hugged her.

"I missed you too, mommy!"

"Jessie!" Landon smiles.  That boy was always cheesin hard.

"Landon!!" Jessica matches his excitement.
"You're such a cutie!  I'm glad you guys could make it." Jessica smiles at Sam.
"How's Megan?"

"She's okay.  She had a bit of a rough morning, but her parents are here so they're with here.  I felt bad leaving her, but Landon was excited to come over." Sam chuckles.

"Aw!  Bless him."

"Yeah.. Anyway, are you doing well?"

Jessica smiles softly.
"I am.  Just so exhausted!" Jessica says in a weak chuckle.

"Poor thing.."

"I'll be fine!  I'm just a drama queen."

"No you're not! You're pregnant!  Don't let anyone make you feel like you're being a drama queen.  They should be treating you like a Queen!"

"Aw Sam!" Jessica pouts as she places her hand on her chest.

"It's true, Jess. You deserve it."

"Samuel Shepard. You are too sweet to me."

"Jessica, this is just how you should be treated.
It's not just because I'm nice.. I AM nice, but.." Sam chuckles. "It's what you deserve.  Don't ever forget that."

Jessica smiles softly and nods her head.
"Thank you, Sam."


"Enough cake, Jess?" Jane giggles as she watches her sister stuff her face with cake.

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